Balls State once had a friend who egged someone’s house too
Balls State once had a friend who egged someone’s house too
This post brings back fond Philadelphia memories of snowdays. As kids, my friends and I would play tackle in the street for hours. Too tired to play anymore, we’d all head home caked in snow.
“Now let’s take a look at that from the body cam!”
Based on the attire of the cyclist (full protection aka ATGAT), mannerisms while on the motorbike (smooth and controlled), and choice of motorbike (Aprilia RC-51), I knew this had to be an older adult male (35-50) and a seasoned rider. How you’ve arrived at “little boy on the bike,” I have no idea.
You know, it doesn’t take much for someone to install those lights in their car. There’s a lot of crazy people out there, I am not sure I would want to stop out in the wilderness for someone I might have passed in a car that was clearly not a police car just because of some flashing lights. Road rage is some serious…
Why does it seem to be universally accepted that when a police officer commits a felony there is no thought of prosecuting him/her. People seem to believe it’s enough punishment by them simply losing their job. WTF? You or I would have definitely been charged with assault& battery, attempted homicide, and some sort of…
Also, right at the beginning of the chase, the cop passed the first truck while going up a rise. It was a short rise, but given perfect timing, there _could_ have been an oncoming vehicle hiding behind it.
Please don’t attempt to equivocate the actions of the cop and the biker. Yeah, we get it, you want to highlight bad acts on the part of the biker, but that ain’t the point.
they don’t *want* people to slow down. if city administrators were at all worried about actual traffic safety, they’d have motorcycle cops nailing people all day long for texting while driving. Not popping people for 5 mph over the speed limit.
But that would cut down on their profits!
You lost your girl to a biker, didn’t you, sport?
“Wilkens asserted he didn’t realize he was being chased and “had never seen a black Camaro cop car before.” I’ve never seen a police car quite like that either, and as you can see from’s photograph of the vehicles the Camaro is pretty indistinguishable from a civilian car. Even the license plates look…
I don’t get why cops will go to such lengths to make their cars not look like cop cars, then bitch and point guns at people when they don’t stop for them. In my area there have been numerous cases of people pulling others over in fake cop cars and robbing them, yet I still see unmarked cop cars pulling people over.
I give the biker (is that what I call these people?) some credit, he’s an asshole but he doesn’t pretend to be in the right about it.
Definitely not necessary. Cops have radios for a reason. I think the cop was just butthurt that his Camaro was getting smoked by the crotch rocket. A simple radio call to another unit ahead of the road to (unphysically) intercept the biker.
I’m surprised no o e has commented on how many time the cop crossed the double yellow himself, even when he wasn’t passing another car. They guy would cross into the other lane for every other turn, which is much, much worse than what the dude was doing on his bike.
There’s too much spite in this comment to take your opinion seriously.
Yeah I mean the biker definitely deserves to get cited for his lack of responsiveness to the officer as well as speeding and swerving. Maybe just roll it up into a reckless op charge. I don’t think anyone reasonable would contest that.
Aren’t you a pleasant little authoritarian.
it’s not wise to believe “it’s ok for cops to crack the skulls of people I don’t like,” ‘cos eventually they’ll find or be given a reason to crack your skull.