
Because this is a gaming website. Not a gamer website. Ergo, we talk about games here. Only once in a while do we discuss gamers. And sometimes, stories like these can really prove that hardcore gamers are utter turds.

Doesn’t remotely mean I don’t like games in general, or don’t follow the news. I mean honestly. What

Snails swap sex.

There’s a word for everything you’re saying. That word is, “bullshit.”

this is a bad comment and you should feel bad

what the fuck is this garbage and how are you not in the greys

To be fair you should refer to her as her.

Actually RESPECT is about referring to someone how they identify. Not everything is about where you get to stick your genitals, dude.

Regardless of your ability to perceive, it is not difficult to refer to someone was their preferred pronouns. No need to go out of the way to state your perception. Just call her what she wants to be called anyway. Like if someone starts going by a nickname or their middle name. Even if you liked their old name more

Your dick has nothing to do with anyone’s gender. Sorry. I’m sure it’s the most important thing in your life but nobody else actually cares about it.

Uh, I think you have it backwards. ;) It’s calling him her, and yes, usually you should start when the person asks. Or if they publicly change their preferred name, it’s usually implied you should use the correct pronouns.

My word gamers are the worst, most obnoxious and toxic fucktards in the world. Second only to Republicans.

Even somebody’s life choices and circumstances, completely not the business of random people, are subject to “approval” of her “fans.”

Go fuck yourselves.

Well, I know neither of us will get ungreyed, but I’m glad I found this comment! ♥

*sigh* Well, I don’t usually make a habit of outing myself, but because I’d like people to know I’m speaking from experience, I am transgender. I started transitioning from male to female about two years ago. The name AnoHito by the way, is completely androgynous. It just means “that person” in Japanese. A lot of

I am truly sorry if my comment made you feel bad, but you’re repeating your opinion louder instead of addressing what I said. When someone transitions and asks to be called a different pronoun, the standard is that you apply that pronoun to that person at all points in their life; public or not shouldn’t make a

Whelp, I don’t have a sexual response to my father, I guess he’s a lady.

No, she wasn’t. If a gay guy came out, you wouldn’t refer to his closeted time as “back when he was straight.”

Your feelings are valid and many people have had them before. Yes, it’s a shock and disconcerting but in the end, all that matters is you support whatever decision they’ve made because you believe it’s what makes them happy. It will take time to adjust as it does for anyone and that’s normal.

Well thats the thing with online personalities. No matter how much we THINK we know them we dont actually know all that much. No matter how close we may feel to these personalities it does not mean we a know them that deeply. We all go through deeply personal things that no one, even our closest friends and family,

We generally do not use someone else’s “sexual response” when deciding what pronouns to use for someone. Usually we just go with what they prefer since gender /= sex as someone else already pointed out.

Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!