well this sounds classy af, i would love to hear details.
well this sounds classy af, i would love to hear details.
I think the turkey baster comment wasn’t in regards to his ability to father children, but in her willingness to let him come near her. He has two confirmed children outside this marriage.
....and he’s, umm, notoriously gay...
She fucking HATES him.
Reportedly, Charlene tried to leave multiple times. Maybe three or four, I can’t remember.
I suspect that even if there wasn’t blatant force, there was a good deal of coercion involved. I kind of think that she entered it thinking whatever, I’ll date a prince for a little while, but then she was identified as the good PR he desperately needed and from then on was under enormous pressure.
Yeah that story was too crazy even for the imaginative tabloids. Apparently she tried to run away three times, then he had her passport confiscated.
There were French news reports that she tried to flee before the wedding but he forced her to stay. And then she cried during the wedding, which for many confirmed the story. She denies that it happened. But who knows?
Well, she had her passport seized by the prince’s people after Charlene was, um, detained en route to Nice, where, reportedly, she was going to catch a flight back to South Africa. So, you know, she was probably not into the whole marrying thing.
I think I remember reading something awhile ago about how she was basically forced into this marriage. Is that real? Cause it sure wouldn't surprise me after watching this mess.
I’m just going to come right out and say that if you have the need to have a breathalyzer on your keychain, you may need to do a little introspection to determine if you have a problem with alcohol.
I’m just going to come right out and say that if you have the need to have a breathalyzer on your keychain, you may…
Isn’t that funny? We’re monsters, fat and unfuckable yet men fuck us all the time.
I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.
Who the hell makes time to put this together? I have a ton of shows and books to get caught up on plus my creative stuff. There are way better uses of time.
That is a really excellent line. Looking forward to seeing more of her writing!
What is it about us that makes people so mad?
The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.
I always find it entertaining how these people always characterize feminists as simultaneously being unfuckable monsters and dick-hungry sluts.
What sad, pathetic little sacks of waste.