Is this the same Fareed Zakaria that’s been widely accused of plagiarism, with many documented instances of stealing other journalists’ work and passing it off as his own?
Is this the same Fareed Zakaria that’s been widely accused of plagiarism, with many documented instances of stealing other journalists’ work and passing it off as his own?
It’s like those people that post those one word updates on Facebook trolling for sympathy/reactions/etc.. “disappointed...”
Look out for a relatively well-spoken but provocative, even outrageous comment, from a commenter with an unusual name. Determine if you can link the Kinja handle to a tomato-related topic. Bam, you've got him.
What the hell? You keep whining about the hoodie! How else am I supposed to figure out what the fuck you’re upset about! If I’m wrong then by all means, explain yourself.
They’re all tied to a tomato varietal, or more recently an author on a book about tomatoes.
I really, really need someone to write a tomatoface primer because I’m so confused by it
You have to admire his dedication to his naming convention tho.
I swear to god if you guys (commenters and writers alike) let Tomatoface come in here and make a bajillion reply thread by talking about how the women at his office find Shkreli hot, I will burn the entire planet to the ground.
They straight up kidnapped that dude.
I never thought I’d reach a point where I was comforted knowing there are cameras everywhere.
I think this makes Disisto a hero. Peaceful protest, standing up for his friend against a cop...I’d like to buy him a new phone and cell plan.
I can't wait to hear the apologists reasons for why this cop is completely justified in 1.) feeling a citizen up & 2.) destroying evidence of his illegal grope-fest by destroying another citizens property
this sentence should be hyperbolic, but it isn’t. it’s just the straight up fucking truth.
And yet that dumb dumb is filmed on three different cameras. I have to laugh at these cops that freak at cell phone video. Cameras are ALL OVER!!!
thank god disisto is still alive...
I misread the title at first, and thought the cops arrested a man for pawing a woman. I was so excited.
Hey Captain! Open up! We've got to install these microwave ovens!