
I didn't mean to suggest that those are in order of importance. They are most certainly not.

If there is access to Craigslist in her house, I'm going to give a bit fat: nope.

"I don't think you fully appreciate even now that your actions were harmful and scary. … But I do think you're remorseful," said Lewis in her remarks to Rowe.

No. Not even close.

neether is going the speed limit. My bike can only operate safely at over 100mph. Multiple researches show that the louder my bike is, the more of a bad ass I am. Cops are raycyst against bad ass biker gangs.

Spoken like a real law abiding citizen. So sorry you feel that traffic enforcement is a pain, perhaps if we did away with it you could explain to the parents why their child was run over by a reckless person who thought the laws only applied to others.

then you make due. If the law didnt pass then the majority doesnt agree with you. We live in a democracy, its majority rule. If your neighbors dont agree with you, tough shit.

If you think the speed limit is too low, but not enough of your neighbors agree to have it changed, then the speed limit stays. Why should your

I've lived in Milwaukee for 4+ years now, and routinely do 80-85 on the highways you're referring to. I do it alone, and without inciting a rolling riot. They leave me alone.

"You want to talk about oppressive, talk about a government spending hundreds of millions on new freeways, and then setting the speed limit at 50 mph"

jesus, the struggle is real. Those communist fascist bastards! Limiting your rate of travel on public roads to 50 mph! Thats fascism if i've ever seen it.

Also, most cops squids are on a huge above the law power trip. They enjoy being that giant dick with a badge crotch rocket. Most traffic enforcement biker gangs harbor societal discontent by giving out shitty revenue generating tickets showing off dangerous tricks to whoever they can, pestering people and generally

They do this because they are morons, not because they are pissed at the cops. The wheelies, burnouts and generally dangerous behavior usually begins well before the cops arrive.

It's just nonstop with teens in general in this day and age *because* of the internet. It's bringing out the very worst in them because manners fly out the window online.

I wholeheartedly agree with Socrates. I am officially an old.

I honestly feel that, with the way teenagers are being raised today to be the most narcissistic assholes and have no respect for others, especially their elders, that maybe the only way to start teaching them is legal action.

That's a lot more lenient than I would have expected. Do they really expect teenagers to stop being cruel to others just because they asked them to? Anonymity on the internet tends to bring out the worst in people.

Fun Fact: The Internet was created in 1984 by Groucho Marx. It was meant to be a way to send intelligently witty telegrams to each other.

My children always hated the word "mixed." When someone would ask my oldest if she was "mixed," she would respond, "mixed with what?" am I paint? A concoction?

Thank you for asking, and I would invite others to join in and highlight anything I’ve missed.

It sounds positive, but it smacks of eugenics and even hearkens back to racists' own logic that one human (or group of humans) is superior to another by dint of their beauty, athleticism, intelligence, or what have you. It also makes me think of breeding domestic animals for their different cute features. And it