
Well, I think that the ex-wife is not an asshole. Naive perhaps, but I see no reason to call her an asshole.

The author’s credentials will last only as long as Gawker does.

Your readers are making sound and substantial points, and you, as the writer, respond in a really childish and flippant way.

Good lord. Are you joking? Did it occur to you to question why these sources were also avoiding the term, and that maybe they were wrong in doing so?

Nowhere in this article did you, the author, use the word “rape” to describe what happened to the child. You called it “sex”. Even ignoring that children cannot consent to sex, that she attempted suicide clearly indicates she was not engaging in something she wanted to do.

Can somebody ask Hulk or Thiel to send over a real journalist? Or at least somebody who understand the definition of common English words?

On behalf of everyone: See WHAT above?

Todd Akin’s legacy: We now have to worry about technicalities when discussing a 14-year-old being trafficked and repeatedly raped.