
Yes, to a certain degree. but If you're using a defining feature of a phone, for instance a physical keyboard vs on-screen, right there you are partitioning their lineup into different models which make up their array of phones. I don't follow phones closely enough to give examples, buts not like they have, say a BB

Since when does Samsung make an iPhone? And since when would you call different models with different features the same as 1 model of phone that has multiple, updated versions? You're saying that I would say that Ford only makes one kind of car, i.e. one with four wheels. When in fact they make different models and

Which are all different versions of iPhone. You're not missing anything by my count.

haha, except its missing those geocities little pop down ads on the side...then it would be perfect

Except for the fact that they are on the back of the vehicle, and therefore unless they were driving in reverse it wouldn't affect being able to see them come towards you :). Mind you, I'm not sure the original Humvees were built with stealth in mind either—just safer/faster than walking

haha, agreed. No way the designers didn't have that in mind when they were putting the finishing touches on the thing!

Jeez we all have to make sacrifices in order to live in castles....whats your excuse?!?!


Yeah its a dicey thing. I only would recommend it if you can't get any wireless at all and/or repeaters (that are so cheap now with firmware like DD-WRT) would have to be "strung" too many times to make the project feasible.

They work but in large houses drop dramatically in speed with distance/difference in circuits. I have D-link Powerline kit and in the same room its 100mbps, hallway its 80 (different circuits start here), kitchen downstairs its 15 and in the basement its 5 or so

I know a lot of people that only have their work phone as a cell phone, so it functions as their personal phone after work/on weekends

I thought it WAS Christmas everytime I watched porn!?

My issue with Dropbox is that the uploads were incredibly slow, even on Wifi. Got lazy one day and used my existing account to transfer some videos off my phone, left it going overnight and I think it transferred only about 100MB during that time. Burned me enough that I actually had to find and use a USB cable! haha

What does church attendance/gay rights have to do with missiles?

True enough that its energy dense, now if we could only burn it more efficiently we'd be a lot better off!

I literally lol'd, amazing thats the thought process that people use

I'm in Montreal and a year ago I would have agreed with you, but now they've changed and its annoying as hell. As far as I know that reschedule delivery service they have in the US isn't live in Canada yet either so especially around Christmas time its many trips to the UPS store to pick my stuff up...

hahaha, seriously. Need to hire 1000 additional lightfooted drivers so they can quietly sneak away from the door without being detected

called a moose knuckle when its a fella, fellas ;)

Don't forget that the pixels maintain the same absolute size on the screen. Therefore a 12 point font will still appear at the same size as a "normal" resolution screen, it will just be twice as sharp (or whatever the scale is)