
So apparently this has been turned on for months...only now I'm left questioning what ads it lets through because I'm sure I haven't seen one in all this time... (and yes the option is turned on)

NEWSFLASH Capt. Obvious strikes again!

I dunno looks pretty fun to me

Love some of these, but am I missing something where's the Flickr link? Need me some wallpapery goodness

Anybody remember that game "Jetpack"? There was a christmas edition too. Man that game was awesome

My god I like Windows and all but this is too much lol

Well then you just want to eat brainwaves ;)

Would be interested to know what % of BHC start breathing on their own again. Have to think its tiny. Also, just because you have brainwaves doesn't mean they're good brainwaves. Like what happens if you have brainwaves but you can't see, hear or move your limbs? I'd rather be dead than experience the panic brainwaves

That's what college/university owned computers are for lol. Log on, rip CD, store online, done.

Don't know if the act of splitting an orange in two can be described as 'peeling' it, seeing as how you still need the separate the sections from the almost complete peel

How times of changed. My cleaning lady makes (by my count) close to 30 dollars an hour (cash), works when she wants, for whom she wants...hell I think I may become a cleaning man

lol yeah I was wondering how they came to that solution. Seems like it would be easier to just have a blue band that circles the face at the pace of once an hour. Oh wait thats a minute hand what crazy talk

The only real issue with this is that when I read the article title it made me think "who does it look like this time?". Really shouldn't have to do this more than once haha

Cannot even believe this thing got off the ground haha

Apparently yeah lol. I would have to assume its either a producer who just doesn't have a clue or knows exactly what he's doing and just wants to stick it to these liberal bands lol

Also Rage Against the Machine, as evidenced by a Tom Morello tweet this morning to the same effect (albeit less official than a C&D order)

Good on you. I'm trying to turn the corner myself but its hard to break those habits haha

Bigtime. Not to mention that restaurant salads usually lay on the salt in the dressing or in one of the toppings to appease the masses. Better to stick to what you know for the majority of the time and then you can skip the salad when you go out (as you said) and lower the boom on a juicy steak and not bat an eyelash

Yeah ok the next time I win a hacking contest I'll let you know lol

Finally we'll have a way to keep the Allies at bay!