
Are you prepared to eat that meat no more than once a week? That's probably what every person in North America would have to commit to to have the industry be sustainable.

Why on earth is it taking 12 hours between Tokyo and Hong Kong lol

Isn't every day bosses day?

Were you expecting them to say "yeah this is typical of our customers but we still need to make a buck (or billions)?" get real its a press release lol

Awesome man thanks for the additional info!

Enjoyed that thanks. A username named "F14Scott" is living up to his name :)

Yeah I think that would be tougher to do simply because they would have to patch things up with Starz first

Well I'm sure if Firefox came bundled with a bunch of random programs like Chrome does that its userbase would grow too

It is but that may only be when you want to abuse their power, not stop a crime from being committed...its a slipper slope though

Ah but you forget that standards and facts have little place in Gawker media

Yeah I hear you. I would just essentially want to use the thing to finish watching movies in bed. A lot of stuff I want to watch isn't free on Prime and I live in Canada (but use the American Netflix) so the free shipping aspect of it really has no bearing on me (although I would love it to). We are kind of in a


I think you are missing the point that he is talking about cable channels lol


I think you're forgetting the fact that its only 199...they want to get a name out for themselves in this business and that's their mentality. Keep in mind the only "tablets" available in that price range before were either e-readers or cheapo devices direct from Hong Kong that ran Android 1.something and even then

Do even SSDs have read/write speeds of 700MB/s?

Wow everybody seems to have some momentus moments. Am I the only one who remembers this time for using Ask Jeeves and playing Starfox64? In fact I can say pretty definitively that I was playing Starfox when on all of these milestones haha

Yayyyyy no baseball!

hahaha, gets me every time.

Under the "Ticker" header, "If you are participating in a activity", reminds me of "a apple" in Dennis the Menace.