
Seriously. Fix Canada and then go to Europe you cheap bastards

in those days it was all pretty much the same, lol

Better than yet another computer commercial with some random people at a coffee shop talking about how this computer is *them*...A+ for effort

Agreed, I would hope that because a civilization would need to be so advanced to begin to have the technology to manage such a feat, they would also just pity us more than desire our manpower/resources/whatever.

Maybe its not your next door neighbor but is it really that hard to believe that there could be other intelligent life in the universe? The universe with an innumerable number of stars and therefore lots of potential for another rocky planet?

Thats probably because 90% of the people I've met who say they live in New York actually admit to living in Jersey with a couple more questions. It skews the whole plot!

lol, oh I'm not banking on the prisons ability to rehabilitate a human being, I'm banking on the fact that it sounds like this guy has a few screws loose, and that he will eventually get bored with the whole idea and hopefully take up flipping pancakes. What a ridic scheme to make your own goddamn electric chair to

lets face it this guy is no criminal mastermind. he'll go to jail, get a little trouble in the rear end, forget all about his wife and work at Denny's for the rest of his life.

ahah, alright fair enough. Here in Montreal nobody really likes it and yet when some kid gets hit by a train because he's spraypainting the walls in a train tunnel at like 2am, all you hear for weeks is how this kid was just doing something that he loved and it annoys the hell out of me

Why so your city can funnel more taxpayer money into paying crews to sandblast it off?

hahaha, well here's to the effort anyways

You hosted a dinner party and couldn't put a bottle of wine in the fridge in advance?

Yeah this. Definitely this. I did this a couple years back and I must say its probably one of the best decisions i've ever made in my life.

I agree on some level but what happens to an animal once its dead is besides the point. What needs to be the focus is animal welfare when its being raised (i.e. reduce size of factory farms and don't force corn feed on cattle) and then at the killing plant. Why should an animal be stressed and/or know when its about

I agree. The initial wave of complaints was (from my own personal experiences) fueled by people dropping minimal cash on underpowered machines when at the time they didn't quite have enough juice to run Vista. Add in the bugs typical of any new OS along with extraordinarily long start up and shut down times (and super

Yet another good point you raise :). Its hard to determine where to draw the line, but there's no doubt in my mind that there has to be some way to make people accountable. I am a staunch supporter of socialized healthcare, and as someone who has had one 'serious' hospital visit (broken ankle eons ago), I don't mind

You raise a good point. We have had them in Canada for a few years now—the latest effort has been to hide them at the point of sale, so now they are hidden behind cupboard doors or in drawers. I have never smoked and I think every one of my friends who do have just had those pictures and statements on the packs so

London Bridge or Tower Bridge (pictured)? Common misconception that Tower Bridge is indeed called London Bridge when in fact its the next bridge on the river Thames. Kind of useless knowledge but I just learned that and it blew my mind a little.

Agreed, this was in fact the main reason that I just switched over to Android. I loved my Pre :(

Do you eat the generic grocery store chicken? Does that mean you're 'batshit fucking insane' as well?