Bearded Hipster Bear


I know we are not the first group of people to take a hurtful and negative word and make it our own, and through that ownership find solidarity and strength. But I would caution you to remember the origins of that word, the original meaning and intent behind it, and to have some empathy and sensitivity towards those

Let me first point out that the pragmatic establishment centrists just lost to Donald Trump. Okay.

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

Like a lot of “trends” (ugh), this only really works if you’re already Very Conventionally Attractive. Then, it’s an interesting imperfection/quirk, rather than Yet Another Thing That’s Wrong With Your Face. Thanks but nah.

Yes, I get it. I don’t think Enlightened will be too much like your situation. The majority of the show is about Laura Dern’s evolution from a struggling search-for-the-self yogi to a fullblown corporate whistleblower and the family stuff is just the background...how fun to have access to all the glory that HBO GO

Hang in there...this too shall pass.

I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would

I finished my thing finally. It was supposed to be a fairly quick project to take a break from my bigger one, but my toddler is being a little butt about going to bed so I haven’t had any time to work on it.

Pet. Thread.

Craft Thread!

Now playing

“You have to keep in mind who he [Congressman Devin Nunes] works for. He works for the President and answers to the President.”

Awwww are your poor feefees hurt?

This year, I had five football players ask me to adjust their grades after the semester or to let them to extra/makeup work after the semester had ended so that they could bump a D to a C, or an F to a D. I said no to all five, and a few expressed astonishment. Clearly, they’re getting special treatment from some

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

All congressman were present for the vote except newly elected Pete Carroll, who decided to pass.

How many films are there where the disabled person decides to live? How many films address the context (political, social, economic) of why someone might choose to die? Context matters here.