Bearded Hipster Bear

So annoying when actors practically give away the movie like this in their press tours.

As I mentioned in an above post.

Man, kids today gotta be wimps then. I remember seeing this when I was 3:

I don’t like it when people say “humanity”.

A lot of what happens isn’t that “humanity” sucks, it’s just the way things work. Call it a mistake. Call it the price of mass productions, mass consumption, etc. Things that had to happen with a population explosion. Adapting to the needs of the people.

Now, we see the

/ice cream starts melting

I’m more familiar with that word than you are with the meaning of “hyperbole.”

Eh I don’t actually care what Black Sky is. All that macguffin crap, I’m fine with it being as detailed or as vague as it wants as long as it serves the characters, which it did. Matt doesn’t care either, doesn’t believe in it, so it doesn’t matter.

Gustin probably smiled at bit one time near Snyder. Like there was a puppy playing or a nice, warm sunbeam. Not like a massive smile, but the hint of one. That “the world can be a nifty place sometimes” type of smile. And it burned Snyder with the power of a thousand suns. Think your average Vampire movie when there’s

I think those actor pictures with their CG characters for Jungle Book are pretty neat. I would assume another movie with animated characters has done official pictures like this before, but I can’t think of any.

Giant fake what now, given this is a shot from the movie?

Didn’t he rescue a bunch of people trapped in a building like - right after that Gif image?

You can fuck right off with your “fake geek girl” bullshit narrative. Comic books, scifi/fantasy, and other geeky pursuits have never been the ‘No Girlz Allowed’ clubhouse of your dreams, and Olivia Munn isn’t required to prove a goddamn thing to you, much less pass some gatekeeping ‘cred’ test that somehow only

Why is it that guys get so offended at the thought that attractive women can be actual geeks too? Olivia Munn’s career indicates more genuine geek cred than, well, likely anyone in this thread. It’s highly probable that she does know and like Psylocke.

For all of its problems, they do have a system that moves people in a speedy way. It’s not Los Angeles, for one thing.

See, this is annoying because the conversation usually is:

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was awesome.