Eddie Izzard reference?
Eddie Izzard reference?
Fair enough. Personally I think things are best enjoyed in private, without people recapping and reviewing and chonnering on about them. (Again, my job is to recap, review and chonner on about them.) You never know, in a year or five you might end up catching an episode and loving it. Happens to me all the time.
It’s a shame cause you’re missing out, but I understand the impulse – the moment people start recommending something to me is the moment I decide I will never, ever watch it. It’s basic contrariness on my part (I’m a professional critic btw, so it’s doubly stupid) and I know I’ve missed out on a tonne of things I…
Reminded me of this Kotaku article from a game developer who “accidentally made a racist videogame.” As he says, “crushing embarrassment aside, there are serious lessons to be learned from this story. It shows the lack of diversity in the industry that no-one noticed the game struggled to work with black people until…
Gah! That was my final correction but it slipped through somehow! I got a bit obsessed with the consciences and consciousnesses in the closed captions (slight paranoia about my accent being too thick for an international crowd) and clearly missed it. Please don’t take it as anything more than the standard journalist’s…