
The first controller design I’ve seen, since the translucent N64 controllers, that I actually want. It’s almost perfect. The gold D pad is a nice finishing touch. 

Real-life “What If?” on Shiv actually becoming Matsson’s CEO.

It makes more sense in context in the linked article.

Seriously, just quit Twitter and let it devolve into a Parler-esque bastion of hate speech and vitriol. We shall laugh as Elon’s investment turns to pennies and dies a slow death.

And he wonders why companies won’t by ads.

It must be a joke position or something. Trust and safety at the new and improved Twitter??

I read it as “still stuck”

Go through all that trouble to finally get a PS5 and *still* can't shake that nagging feeling I suck.

I mean, we’ve already had people gene splicing newer and deadlier dinosaurs, lets go full wetware dinosaur body horror!

Perfect metaphor for how completely off the rails from the source material these stupid, stupid movies have become. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if the next jp movie had grimlock and slag.

The thought of MAGA chuds walking into a bank to exchange this worthless garbage warms the cold dead regions of my soul. 

I adore Temple. It was the first Indy movie I saw and I wore the shit out of that VHS tape. And I still love it today. But I agree — it is, objectively, racist. It will always have a place in my heart, but with a big blinking red asterisk. I can defend it as a great movie, and certainly a fun movie. But I can’t defend


Couldn't have happened to a nicer bag of douched assholes. 

Theoretically, it might be possible to have less than zero sympathy for these people. The supercomputer time required to calculate that many right-of-decimal zeroes though is so expensive...

How FUCKING STUPID can a person be in this country?!

There’s a TrumpCoin and a MAGACoin. Given that Trump has sold NFTs, I would be surprised if TrumpCoin isn’t an official Donald Trump Joint.

Artificial Intelligence, Natural Stupidity.

Honestly, surprising it wasn’t ran by Trump himself.