
I don’t think so. The hotel is completely lacking in standard amenities (a pool, comfortable lounging areas, uh, windows) and would be zero fun after 15 minutes without the illusion that you were a guest on a luxury space cruise. There’s nothing to do.

More equivocation that makes error after error.

Yes, this “art” is very, very obviously AI-generated images.  I would say that they look like somebody has manually touched them up a little bit, but even that might be going too far given the completely fucked up iPad.

The promised AI game revolution has arrived!

It’s not, they’re selling the replacement.

Man, you constructed two strawmen there. Impressive.

I played Inquisition on PS4 and got a bundled version of the ME games before they released LE, which used EA’s store (cost me only $8, too). I’ve been waiting for a good opportunity to buy the LE games, to see how good the Mako now is, but have never really had a good enough deal to justify it. This is good enough for

the idea that zoom etc can completely supplement all the lost benefits of face-to-face collaboration is as ridiculous as saying Tesla’s cars can drive themselves.”

You sound like the guy who stops by my desk and can’t take the hint that I need to get work done instead of having a half hour conversation.

While I’m sure many people dont care, some people (me) enjoy my office mates, enjoy hanging out with them, relish talking to them in person.”

You are the reason more people want to stay home and not babysit people who can’t make friends outside of the office. 

1) It isn’t up to your coworkers to be your friends.  Make friends in other ways. 2) It’s still very, very easy to have a connected, collaborative environment remotely.  I built an entirely new team during the quarantine and using the tools available ensured they had a robust team culture and were able to feel very

You know, if this keeps up, I might start to think that Elon is kind of an asshole!

Elon Musk makes billions of dollars a year working. Nearly no one else does. Is that morally wrong?

This is what someone on the wrong side of 20 year office lease might say.

Please Universe, remove this man from this time line.

Musk claimed he had freedom of speech

I get to sit down all day when I work. Factory workers often don’t. Is that morally wrong? I get to work in a relatively quiet, semi-private environment. Factory workers don’t. Is that morally wrong?

Current events concerning a video game streamer? ON A VIDEO GAMES WEBSITE!? Well I never.

Are you new here? It’s a blog, not the New York Times.