
I don’t doubt this. There was a rape case in the Chicago suburbs 10-15 years ago. The rapists filmed themselves committing the crime. Some or all of the rapists fled the country for several years to avoid a trial. The video was entered into evidence, the jury still came back with a not guilty verdict.

We can’t be considered in other capacities. We’re only significant as daughters, mothers, sisters, wives.

I really hate people. There is nothing unclear about a man admitting that he drugged women. Any juror who tried to act like they could not arrive at a guilty verdict is a lying asshole.

I served on 3 juries and the level of crazy inside a jury room is astounding. In one, a law student proceeded to retry the whole case, pointing out all of what she thought were errors made with evidence. Was she right or wrong? No one knew, and no one knew whether to ask the judge if this was allowed. (I sure

Just don’t do that while talking to a man because we all know that means you’re begging for rape.

Now what? Will there be another criminal trial, this time with jurors who have a moral compass? This sickens me.

Hung jury. There is apparently nothing that can overcome the reasonable doubt created by a man saying “the lying slut wanted it.”

These women are like saints. Because that’s the kind of strength and purity of spirit that doing something like takes. Herculean strength. I am so, so proud of them and I’d give anything to be like them. They are the fiercest, strongest, most triumphant warriors on this planet.

These women - Lili Bernard, Jewel Allison - they are fucking warriors. They are the ones we need to teach our sons and daughters about. The courage, compassion, strength and LOVE of these women in the face of such disgusting injustice and disrespect will be something I’ll never forget.

Excellent writing. Thank you.

Related: when someone types “it really peaked my interest.”

Eye sea whut ewe arrgh seighing.

Today we got a sneak peak of what this aromatic collab might turn into

Right? It’s not like it was a mystery what he was going to be asked about.

There’s no Execution chamber phone where the President calls over during questioning to assert privilege. He’s a big boy who knows who is going to testify, and he has to invoke privilege beforehand, not once problematic questions get asked.

WTF hearing did you just watch? Our AG looks like an incompetent fool who provided zero legal basis for not answering the questions. He also came after COmey again. Look forward to more FBI leaks to make him and trump look like the fucking shitty people they are.

I love how when he was asked about Comey notifying him not to leave him in a room alone with Trump again, he was like *shrug* “Comey’s job to tell him it’s inappropriate.”

Hate to be a downer, but that’s exactly almost exactly what happened in the “Saturday Night Massacre” of Watergate.

“Bannon! I need a new attorney general. What about this Sally Yates I keep hearing about?”