Expanse HBIC

He’s also way sicker than they are letting on. You don’t get put on unapproved experimental drugs and have your blood oxygen levels drop at least twice if you are doing a-ok. I am getting strong Death of Stalin vibes (I’m probably wrong, but blame the idiots in charge for being as opaque and dishonest as possible).

Trump’s Brain is the new Schrodinger’s Cat.

Imagine being so needy for attention that you risk your life, just so you can be glimpsed by a streetful of cousin-fucking yahoos as you drive past.

the side effects of dexamethasone may include dizziness, agitation, mood swings, and hallucinations.”

I’d rather see him survive, lose to Biden and then become a COVID long hauler rotting in a prison cell. Dying would be the easy way out for him, and he doesn’t deserve the easy way out. I’d like to see him wallow in his loser-ness for a decade or two, as I’m sure many others would. 

Seriously, I was there at 42. But I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m old and need glasses.

Trump gets whatever he wants because he will badger the fuck out of people, whining, threatening, complaining, yelling, and he simply wears people out. I grew up with someone like this, and and it’s upsetting, exhausting, and also horrific.

It’s not surprising that his staff would try to cover for him, the president of the USA. It has been done before of course. But they are so inept at it. Acting like he’s working from his sick bed especially, the fucker is lazy when he’s ‘healthy’. Saying he’s sick but he’s working hard is to much of a stretch.

The ‘Drive By’ jokes are going to be fast and furious.

They should follow the President’s advice and poke some holes in him so the sunlight can kill the virus.

The only thing that gives me pause is that I could see Trump demanding all the “best” (most aggressive) drugs available regardless of their possible adverse effects. On the other hand, I could also believe that Trump actually defers to doctors/scientists when his own health is on the line.

They are overwhelmingly likely to recover without any significant complications which will only serve to fuel the wacko narrative that the”C Monster” is a Dem conspiracy crafted to crash the economy and rig the election. It will probably have a net benefit for his campaign.

The thing that is virtually impossible to

Meanwhile, Herman Cain’s ghost:

Thus the World War Z suggestion. It’s still just sitting out there since Pitt decided to turn the movie version into a standard-issue zombie flick. The best part of the book was looking at how different cultures would react, given what we know about them today.

After the mess of Preacher it’s wild how much better this show is than the source material. It feels stripped down to its core elements and reassembled from there, peppering in references to some of the comics worst excesses without indulging in them, Preacher in hindsight feels like a messy first draft of what

AMC should bring back Into the Badlands instead of continuing with this drek. 

Venn diagram of “ Things that are done to death” and need to be canned.

After all the cool stuff they were talking about and then pulled from Diablo 3, I’m waiting until I see a finished product before I get excited about any features.

So would I. I’ve long thought that taking a Band of Brothers-type approach (talking heads bookending intense action and character study) would be 100% the best way to present WWZ.