Danson doesn't do anything more that any other veteran white male actor couldn't do. His performance isn't surprising or spontaneous like Bell, Jamil, or the guys that play Chidi and Jianyu (their names escape me)
Danson doesn't do anything more that any other veteran white male actor couldn't do. His performance isn't surprising or spontaneous like Bell, Jamil, or the guys that play Chidi and Jianyu (their names escape me)
no, Ted Danson is not the highlight of The Good Place. not even close
I do love this movie and will also defend it
movies don't need white men to be huge hits
that was when i deciedto stop listening to him
The celebration of Leo as an environmentalist or whatever is really grating because he's just another entitled white guy who can take 5 minutes for a preachy oscar speech and yet treat women like sex objects. Like people were getting played off the stage after 30 seconds but he's privileged enough to yammer on about…
HBO only counts female nudity as nudity I think.
a little bit of both. I'm sure Molly has some prejudice against dating Asian men. She called him Jackie Chan!!
No im familiar with that I just consider TVS horror by Bergman as well
The Virgin Spring…
I really want to see this movie
fuck no. he is dangerous
all art is political
i want a whole flashback season w Pops Ruby and AV with special appearances by Calvin my hero
straight guys are so weird. Dre ruined their holiday, but then was "womp we had better babymoons." umm you ruined it with your lame ass homophobia
I'm really impressed with SJP here. she's so good.
Because the marketing team of Nocturnsl Animals wants to keep references to the film in the press so they got one of their stars to talk about a sequel to an earlier hit
only a white guy could get away with "thanks for the offers here are all the things I want to change"
apparently it's only nudity if its boobs. Daniel's bare ass pumping away is just Adult Content
Beth is my favorite