
i mean Selina would get murdered on Twitter for cursing alone

I honestly thought he meant Marjorie following Selina and Catherine following Selina in the hallways of the White House. And I was like what a weird thing to say…

yeah. Truth or Dare from season 5

Blue Jasmine. or maybe Vicky Cristina Barcelona

this show was really underrated. I own all 5 seasons on iTunes. It's a lot more creative and inventive than people gave it credit for back in the day.

"Hollywood has been too obsessed with quirky visual imagery, and they always use the same actors." -Tim Burton

I really think that Hollywood learned the wrong lessons from The Dark Knight Trilogy. Yes, it is thematically darker and it's gritty and harsh. But those elements are complemented by some sort of lightness humor. While none of those films is a straight comedy, they are at least witty and engaging. The actors look like


wow I didn't know you have access to Heard's financial statements

Most asses don't believe the victim, and side with the privileged white male who is more famous and rich. If my friend's wife accused him of abuse, I'd probably do some hard thinking about the friendship

in any profession, you must be nothing but gracious and respectful of previous co-workers, employers, and employees (even if they were total monsters). you never know who's is in whose network, and comments like the kind Carney is making have a way of coming back to haunt you. And employers will often think well, if

yeah, but no one would ever dismiss him as a supermodel or just a comedy guy. the Oscar nomination does act credibility to an actor, even if in reality the award is meaningless

apparently her mom came to visit Never Let Me Go—the horror

I guess praising someone like Adam Levine—pop star, reality show judge, tabloid fodder—as a genuine actor who is unpretentious while criticizing someone like Knightley (who has only done small scale movies and literature adaptations since POTC) is baffling. The "diva" label is something that follows actresses around

nope. she's a spokesmodel for Chanel but that didn't happen until after she became a renowned actress

I'm not so sure why she has to. Stayign publicly silent is the best move PR wise. Romanek, Shelton etc have already defended her enough

his reasons were appalling and misognyst, not to forget completely unfounded

we always did Apollo 13 takeoff sequence.

thanks for your awesome write ups! love this show. season 2 was killer

cold and distant, because of lack of engagement on Robert's part.