
I started a petition to make it the most disliked trailer on youtube. I got zero signatures

"It's totally that cool that Kesha was raped and abused for years because I, the god of music taste and justice, don't like her music."

I hope he's not cheating but only because that poor woman will have to take care of four kids under 10 by herself. but yeah needs to be addressed. I hope Grace and Frankie give him a talking to


Tomda is good!!

I love that Mal's husband gets to have a trip with his friends to prepare for the babies while Mal herself is pregnant with twins and dealing with 2 small kids herself. he's also a "that fucking guy."

agreed with your 2nd paragraph. I get a very odd "no homo" vibe between Waterston and Sheen. Yes, both great actors, but they have zero romantic chemistry. they are really struggling to sell the "love of a lifetime" feel that the premise needs so that they don't look like the biggest jerks of all time.

yeah this episode was kind of a bummer. and the gay culture thing feels so 90s. although I don't live in LA so maybe it's accurate to that locale.

I really enjoyed the conflict between Brianna and Frankie. I always find it interesting when a show can have two women disagreeing and having differing opinions. And there's no easy answer, either. Brianna is a business owner who has to protect her product and look out for profits. Frankie also has her ideals and

Royal and Wilder??? seems like this movie is a little too "obvious"

I can't stand either of them, and cannot buy into this romance. they seem like they are play acting at being a couple

probably as good a Still Alice joke we'll ever get

ugh this show is so great. I want to live in that beach house

it's like acting that's beyond acting

that would be almost too awesome to handle.

you're so tough and cool

Brokeback Mountain

I hope they drop Coyote looking for his birth mother. that's never a good sitcom plot

I met Portia di Rossi at her book signing back in 2010 I think. My whole way up the line I was trying to think of something different to say to her. I ended up just telling her Lindsay was my favorite AD character. She said thanks and she hopes the movie comes out. I mumbled thanks and ran off. I felt pretty lame but

the Reverend being goofy wasn't just to make us laugh but to point out white male privilege and the ineptitude of the justice system