
it's nice for a movie to cater to straight white people. that way they can have 100% of movies, not just 99.9999999%

A WHITE GUY LEARNS HE'S SPECIAL! what a unique concept!!

yeah what was Shakespeare thinking?

what's the point of a spoiler space if you're going to spoil it by implication with some hilariously unsubtle clues?

yeah but chicks like them! GROSS!!

i love when actors don't cast themselves in films they direct

are you joking?

Alice Eve looks like a German assassin in that photo

i think people are allowed to be excited for both star wars and sisters

i like nancy meyers

and yet this might be only movie in the top 10 thatpasses the bechdel test

male star of billion dollar movie: star of other franchises
female star of billion dollar movie: frustrated, shrew girlfriend to a guy who's over a decade older than she
I'm not the biggest BDH fan but COME ON!!!!

yeah one of my pet peeves for film critics is when they criticize actors for being too attractive. it makes me think they didn't even engage with the character

men can marry each other…

it's one of my favorite sitcoms

aftt 2 decades of Friends clones, it's hard to understand just how groundbreaking the show was in its time. It focused on early 20somethings and their romantic/professional/familial problems without having some sort of hook. the characters were archetypes. And I think Friends is really funny, with amazingly specific

a white ollate 30s man hates one direction?! wow now ive seen everything

yes, the lease was under Monica's grandmother's name and it was rent conrolled

it may be accurate but just look at the logistics of the show. at all times the main set had to fit 6 people, possibly more. it had to be big.

I am so sick of people bringing how big that apartment is