
and the jealous of the other newlyweds thing was much better. that's more Monica and Chandler

it's not odd at all that Friends never talked about 9/11. the creators have discussed this a few times. it was a conscious decision, not a weird oversight


yeah. but even if the boyfriend believed the op, the deeper question still needs to be explored

I'm really pumped but I hope there isn't a lot of homoerotic undertones that always comes with these bro-mance type movies (that line that comes in every commercial "in and out, don't make a mess and we'll never talk about it again" really grates because you know they think they're being so clever)

Go Ask Jupiter, a diary by Anonymous

Julianne Moore won the Oscar for her role in Still Jupiter, right?

La Viuda Negra, produced by viuda negra Salma Hayek

I'd watch both in a double feature but I'm afraid my brain will melt for all the tense family interactions

I am so pumped for this movie. I would go opening weekend but alas I have to attend a wedding.

wait, didn't Kelsey Grammer dedicate an Emmy to Moose?

I think you're thinking of Miles Teller, star of the Hunger Games and Silver Linings Playbook

not seeing Ghost Protocol in theaters is a big movie regret. Damn my old self's snobbiness!

Summer lost its appeal for me after seeing so many guys (and gals sadly) were like SUMMER IS A TEASING BITCH and totally missed the movie's point and context

don't worry double A. I don't trust you on comedies regardless of this blurb.

anyone who says Scarlett Johansson (hate the name ScarJo and so does she) is 100% not watching any of her movies. I'll give you The Spirit

you're right. but HBO has had some amazing female characters like Carmela Soprano, Dr. Melfi, Carrie Bradshaw, Cersei, Margaery. I'll have to make my peace with the gratuitous female nudity (and lack of gratuitous male nudity) but HBO has at least had some decent writers

i loved his piece on jack and jill

we expect more from hbo

agreed. total revelation.