
as an unashamed Cameron Diaz fan, I thought people were hard on her for this movie. her whole career, whenever she does a comedy it's like "all she does are comedies" then once she does something different it's like "go back to doing comedies." I mean this is not one of her best or my favorites but it's different and

eye roll

why. why why why would you spoil that twist?

very true!! I've loved her since Pride & Prejudice


Carey Mulligan was the best part of the first one.

I get it—it's a comedy performance from a young actress so it's not as legit as something more dramatic. But she was terrific in that movie and has proven to be a versatile enduring actress

She is so desperate to be relevant again!

so for three of the most feminist friendly films to come out this year Spy Inside Out and Fury Road, the AV Club has highlighted the male performances. I mean, it's deserved but funny nonetheless

my favorite scene

Luke is the only hope

you know what makes for brilliant and insightful criticism? not watching the movie.

i mean if a girl has sex with you once then she can't ever say no to you after that right?

but even she had a significant role in the story. she was not eye candy and only eye candy

I feel ike this is the same problem people had with the Maggie Gyllenhaal thing a while back. People were assuming she had just stumbled into the wrong audition or had misunderstood or expected some special treatment. It's not even about Rose McGowan or Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's that these things happen to actresses and

I love Kate Winslet and totally into Schoenaerts but yeah this movie does not look that exciting.

she loves American Sniper—now we can too!

really good point.

I think that is a fair point. But unfortunately they'll have to "audition" with these "safe" jobs before they can go on to make other films. And why are films starring white men the goal?

This guy is the worst. I've had to turn off so many of his audio commentaries because he's dry and doesn't back up any of his opinions