
wow what an amazing hot couple

Idk I thought she had some good lines. I'm choosing to believe she's self aware enough to make fun of herself

Clueless is the best teen movie ever.

one time I was masturbating at night and fell asleep. Masturbation is healthy and great but so is sleep. I mean, barring some health issue that I don't know about, I think it's pretty normal. Sleep is not something we can often control

I just want to point out that I love Carla Gugino and will see this film for her.

The "no _____" drives me crazy. like why would you advertise how shallow you are. can't you just say "thanks, not interested"? or, less preferably, not respond? And if you're SO BUSY that you can't even take the time to have coffee with someone you ultimately don't find attractive or even to respond, then maybe you

For Boyle to be "the one" for Diaz simply for knowing what kind of party she'd like is some twisted "Nice Guy tm" logic. Boyle is a good friend who knows what each of his friends would like—he'd do the same for Jake, Amy, Holt, etc. I hope that a Diaz Boyle romance never happens

i honestly don't know. I think they are afraid of making a "girly" movie or maybe they don't want to spend $250 mil on Black Widow. they could make BW for under $100 but I don't think they want to step down from making these huge epic movies

love it but it would have made a better impact if some of the crew had been women

Catherine D. is amazing I will see this

if my son goes anywhere near a girl he'll turn gay. that's why i keep him strictly in the company of men


how is working actress works in diverse movies = desperate to be relevant? if she is desperate, then it's because the youth obsessed Hollywood culture pushed her out when she was hitting her prime

Reese Witherspoon produced this so maybe she wanted to have some fun. I can see a movie like this being super fun on set (though whether the fun came on the screen is doubtful). I gotta say, both ladies really sold the movie well with their media appearances

YSL styled one of my all time favorite films Belle de jour. and this sounds like it could be great (though the 150 minutes does not sound justified) I'll check it out!

oh I thought this was the sequel to Junior where the kid grows up a zombie after being birthed from a man

it really did, tbh. like I get that everyone has a type but no one told me that most people has the same type

I stopped using Grindr after sending lots of unanswered messages to people who said "just say hi and I'll respond! i'm so nice!" in their profile but who mean "only if you are a muscular white blond guy"

the cold opens have lost their magic for me. they are so formulaic like they go one of 3 ways
1. boyle as butt of joke
2. jake does something stupid
3. holt does something out of character

I just love how people think consumerist culture is so 21st century when in fact everything has been consumerist for at least a century