
oh my God I thought the exact same thing! I was like who are these foolz who think Pike, Witherspoon, Cotillard and Jones even have a chance at winning.

C&W is fine, just way too bleak for me

I agree. the tone of the article made me want to instinctively defend The Sting even though I've never seen it. Even the title of the article made me cringe

Not yet! It's on my list

No i agree with you. The thing is, I'm sure these movies are fun too (I mean I guess). and considering her last few films were Macbeth, 2 Days, The Immigrant, girl needs to lighten up. Same with Fass

when Dre jumped out the window telling Bow to remarry I was like hell yeah! he running towards The Line and dangerously close to becoming an actually reprehensible human being the family should steer clear from.

unfortunately with the structure of this movie, it's doubtful that McAdams and Stone will share any scenes together. and if they do, probably all they'll talk about is Cooper

my heart weeps for you, Marisa Tomei. you deserve another Unhook the Stars, The Wrestler hell I'd settle for another scene stealing role like Crazy Stupid Love…

during the Angie goodbye scene I was like kiss her you fool! it needs to happen

oh it's absolutely brilliant. Cher's performance was just really great. I mean, it's lot more out there and neurotic than I think it gets credit for. The ensemble is fantastic, the story is great and I just love that old Brooklyn extended family feel.

sorry to be That Guy but it's "adaptation" not "adaption."

I first heard about this movie after seeing Biel in Easy Virtue and The Illusionist and I was like championing her to everyone. And I thought this could have been another great movie for her. and it annoys me that now it's being released with such infamy

and Laura Dern


I just checked my local library web site and they have 2 copies but both have been loaned out. I am 100% sure it is because of this article.

wow I am definitely watching this movie ASAP. never heard of it but it sounds so great. i love jeff bridges (except I hate Crazy Heart). Karen Allen is also a very good actor.

the reason why Aniston has to "try to be taken seriously" is because critics keep calling her comedies "dreck." They're funny and she's really good in them. Maybe they should open their minds to the idea that comedies aren't any easier than drama. I'm not saying Horrible Bosses and We're the Millers were award worthy

I also want to add that the public is hearing the Betty Carver on the radio show and she's not like Peggy at all. I bet a lot of the guys are thinking she slept her way to the top or at least was favored by Cap because he was sweet on her

I'm also convinced Mrs. Fry and/or Angie and/or Dottie have something up their sleeve and so maybe the Houdini speech/coded chastity speech was also a coded-coded reprimand to potential agents (I just watched On Her Majesty's Secret Service)

Of course they can do better! And they deserve better. But if this movie does well then perhaps Sam Taylor Johnson will get more opportunities, maybe Kelly Marcel will get something good greenlit. This movie is being treated like a blockbuster; the studio isn't hiding it. And Sam Taylor Johnson isn't some hack (her