
Disregarding the quality of the movie, I can't not be happy about a movie directed by a woman, written by a woman, based on books written by a woman and marketed like a female-skewing blockbuster making money. if this movie does well then better movies with women behind the camera will be greenlit


Yeah I can see your point. But you're still engaging with it critically so I'm not sure where the guilt comes from.

yes I find the whole guilty pleasure thing elitist and self-conscious. I prefer to enjoy the things I like without guilty or hate.

Eva Green is one of the best actresses around. Amazing command of her body, eyes and accents. Between this, Sin City 2 and 300 2, she was on fire.

2 things I liked not mentioned in the review or in the comments

I saw this film for the first time in November after Nichols passed away. It was really funny (though a LOT of set up). Azaria was really funny here, just a perfect way to totally play a stereotype as totally sincere so as not to make it offensive or obnoxious.

so I saw the film and the review is WAY off. Margaret's struggle and quiet breakdown is very much the focal point of the movie. Walter's trickery is a big part of the film but she is the protagonist; this is her story. Waltz is just giving the flashiest role. And having read about the film, Burton's interest in the

does anyone know why Birdman was disqualified?

I hope they dont make a "stu-nographer" joke

it's funny you say that because D&C was one of a few movies, including Fight Club and Pulp Fiction, whose "bro culture" reputation turned me off for years. I ended up really liking FC and PF but D&C was fine but totally remarkable for me.

I've always liked Cotillard but her performance in Rust & Bone is spectacular. I'm so looking forward to this!

you're joking but I could see Kidman in this kind of role. Maybe not with Ratner directing though! LOL

haven't seen the movie but it feels like Dowd spent the whole movie focusing on how Waltz isn't the protagonist instead of focusing on the actual one. If any actress can make a passive character fly and sing, it's Adams.

so it's a movie where a young college student falls for her older professor and he's played by Wahlberg? not buying it at all.

I love the mail chimp ads.

I also love the "Merry Christmas!" off between Frasier and Martin.

Faye as in Faye-vorite! I love Faye. I really wanted her to be a long time girlfriend if not endgame

yes it was one of my favorite trailers. It was so perfectly edited and it falsely made you believe that you had seen the whole movie in the ad.

before I saw Boyhood, I was kind of dreading it. I kept thinking do we REALLY need another coming of age story about a white boy? I should have trusted Linklater!