
yeah that was a weird line. It's not bad to insult a woman but calling her a whore is so gendered and unfounded, not to mention reduces her to a sexual object (which I thought the film did a good job of avoiding but not as good as Winter Soldier w/ Black Widow). If he had called her a jerk or a brat even it would have

I've loved that scene since it appeared in the trailer. but I just lvoe how her face falls rght after saying it. She hates that she said something so mean to her father. it was refreshing to see the consequences of that kind of speech on the speaker.

come on, Ty Burrell has to win every year otherwise God will cry

It might be unfair to say Portman chose to be in Attack of the Clones. For all we know, she tried to get out of her contract. At least in my version of history. (Though I think Clones might be underrated?)

IHH was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my entire life.

I love Sarah Paulson.
I'm ok with Cuba Gooding Jr.
I'm not a fan of Ryan Murphy.

same here. I really like her.

wow Marry Me, jokes about Law & Order—how edgy!

I thought it was a pretty solid episode though it really frustrated me because I thought Bow was (uncharacteristically) really vague about having her back. Or maybe Dre should have been able to pick up on the nuance

the best line of the show!

yeah but is he though? i cant remember when he last had a hit movie or got good reviews.

Ryan Reynolds' attempts to be a star make me sad…

she's rocking major cleave. perfect for a Peter Pan costume

SPECTRE is a cool name but not nearly as cool as HOYT VAN HOTEMA

I really want to see this

I'm a little disappointed they went with "boring guy" for Teddy's breakup flaw. it's a little predictable and easy.

maybe there's a Tolkien to-do list they can turn into a 15 hour franchise.

I think my post summarizes what I like best about her. But I really don't see how anyone can call her flat in films like Her or Scoop or Ghost World. But I guess we all have different tastes when it comes to acting. I've never been a huge fan of Hugh Jackman (save for Prisoners and the above mentioned Scoop) but he

Johansson is my favorite actress and the 2008-2012 period was rough for her But I am glad she had such a banner year. For an actress who people still objectify relentlessly, she's done a remarkable job not letting that affect her career (I'm sure she gets offered every girlfriend role out there but has the star power

I am really starting to hate this show. It's trying so hard to be fun and warm and cute but it's straining. Far be it from me to be one of those people who complain about sitcom characters not going to work but do these people have any lives outside of the core cast or Annie's building? There's virtually no universe