
I first saw this movie a few years ago when I just starting to get into Hitchcock. I had been hearing about it for some time and I decided to see search for it on the cable TV guide just to see if it was coming on. Lo and behold, it was coming on TCM the next day so I recorded it. That's when I knew Hitch and I would

he will always be John Carter to me (unfortunately)

she's very talented! Red Eye, Mean Girls, About Time, The Notebook, Midnight in Paris, Morning Glory—she has such a wonderful, expressive energy. Normally she does a lot of comedies or romantic dramas so it'd be great to see her show her range.

first they'll have to discover they slept with the same guy because the Bechdel test must never be passed in a blockbuster

I bought an ace DVD set with Bringing Up Baby, Philadelphia Story, Adam's Rib and Woman of the Year. I really enjoyed all of them (WOTY the least) but this one was really enjoyable. I liked their chemistry a lot.

I did also actually

I believe you are thinking of Mike Leigh (Another Year, Happy Go Lucky)

can someone tell me where I can *legally* watch this film online? I've never seen it but have been wanting to. It was on Netflix a long time ago and I regret not seeing it then.

thank you!!

yes, thank you!

it's the word "but" that really bugs me I guess. And even your hypothetical, which probably won't be too far off to the real thing, is troubling (a girly girl's practicality shouldn't be surprising—just as it isn't with Tyrion, Brad etc). You know, it just rubs me the wrong way. "But" is a pretty strong word that

it's annoying but not offensive. And no one would ever put "boyish but practical" in a description because boyish men don't have to apologize for their boyisgness the way girlish women have to. culture has validated boyish culture but girlish culture has been devalued. For a simplistic example, comic book movies

hahahaha will do!

I have nothing real against this movie at all! I'll watch it and can totally see why it's a classic. admittedly I havent seen it in a few years so maybe I should give it another chance. Also I think I watched it in my college library for a class; not the best atmosphere for a rom com

"girlish but practical." ouch that description makes me want to boycott this show forever

if we're STILL asking this question in 2014 imagine what the media/public response would have been 20/30 years ago. and this was before the rape shield laws were enacacted

gotta be honest but I'm not a fan of this movie. it's cute and everything and I get out how influential it is. but aside from the famous few scenes, it's really dull. that last half hour was a chore to get through

stroke of genius!

any reference to the Jenna/Mickey Rourke love saga

Rosa is right; Something's Gotta Give is a terrific rom com