
We would have heard about it, considering every single news item from Marvel gets articles/thinkpieces galore. And if I'm not mistaken then I think SJ would be into it

It's because they are the only women in the cast. Like the author said, because they are alone representing their gender, their marginalization becomes due to their being women in a cast full of men

loved the episode. TER deserves all the awards. And I'm glad Zoey got some development beyond popular girl

and the double bird!!

i love the episode of american dad where the Smiths replace Roger with Andy Dick "who are you fey, i have a son!!"

are you thinking of Blackish's halloween episode?

i thought everyone listened to their own music!

it's funny because it's true.

very nice article. she seems like a cool person to be around. loved her thing about her mom loving the good wife. I want to see Scotland PA so bad!!

hate baseball, love Moneyball. there are a lot of themes and ideas which transcend the subject of baseball. plus it has amazing editing and it's one of Pitt's best roles

this is a side note: it's not surprising that Dre and Charlie know all those famous people. they work at a big advertising firm in LA! that's the only reason why that gag didnt work for me

Deathly Hallows part 1 and part 2 are very different from each other and would not have made sense as one movie (part 1 is moody, atmospheric, hopeless; part 2 is a war film).

im sorry but that is a horrible and inaccurate reading of My Fair Lady and Pygmalion

no, he's the character the network THINKS is the breakout character. for me it's all about Big Bird and other Wallflower people

this show gets better than better. I hope it gets some award attention (Fishburne is obviously going to get the big push)

to be fair Zoey hasn't had a spotlight episode yet. but yeah they could flesh her out a lot more. they're great as siblings


sometimes I wonder if actors like Chris Messina don't want to be A LIST SUPERSTARS! I mean, while I'm sure the paycheck is nice, I'd hate to be tied to a superhero franchise or other kind of big budget actioner. he gets steady work in some respectable stuff, he's never at risk of being over exposed and he gets major

don't trust the B——— at NBC (bitches)

so I wrote a screenplay which took place in Manhattan and I wrote some characters who were "people of color" (I'm South Asian and so was the protag's BFF who was my favorite character to write, the romantic false lead was half-Japanese, I had a Mexican Catholic in there and two of the protag's bosses were black). And