
Jenna's hardball interview is HYSTERICAL. I just love how, even though Jenna is a major loon, they still write her (and Jane K performs her) with dignity and grace. No easy punchlines, no cheap shots, no writer hatred.

so much truth!!!! TD in best drama series category was the dumbest thing ever

B99 is actually very progressive with its diversity. And that is actually a very pleasant surprise since this show gave off the vibe it was going to be a goofy white guy saves the day type sitcom.

how is that show? I'm planning to start it as soon as i finish watching the whole of Futurama for the first time

I'm trying to! haha. I actually think it's a great concept but for me the writing isn't quite pulling it off.

I'm totally into this show. Love Rainbow and all 4 kids (plus Mr. Fishburne is always a super cool guy) but I hope it doesn't turn into "Dre worries his son isn't black enough then realizes his son is his own person" every episode.

yeah but it's Isabella Rosselini…

yes!!! theyre going to emphasize a female character by surrounding her by men and exploring her relationships with them! the only one female per movie rule will live on. FOREVER.

this showrunner seems kind of annoying with his writing process but Id like to see the show

oh man I was hoping McPhee would be one of the geniuses and she got hired because the group leader had visions of her solving cases. hopefully a more talented genius was passed over?

Abigail Breslin's brother is Spencer Breslin so maybe that's it. I also read it as Bresline

liz talks to some hot guy
Liz: you have such pretty eyes!
she looks away, his boyfriend comes and kisses him. liz looks up.
Liz: OH, HI!!!

Part of me really wants to find Pulp Fiction overrated but I just can't. It is just that good. This write up perfectly summarizres what makes it so timeless. It's a very periphery film, that explores the universe of this crime sect. Its focus on the outsiders is genius.

it's a decent pilot episode but not indicative of what 30 Rock is capable of in terms of absurdism and satire.

I was hoping MacLaren would helm the rumored but unconfirmed Black Widow movie.

themoviethehelp! minny put poo in the pie!
love this show!!

Perhaps I was unclear. All I meant was that I think it's a lame excuse for male writers not to write females because they don't understand women. It's a cheap copout.

Because not all woman are alike just as not all men are alike. I just don't think a writer has to write a female character as The Female just as you don't write a male character as The Male. Writers should try to get into the psychology of their characters not their characters' gender.

okay but you've gotta admit that there's an overrepresentation of white male anti-heroes like Draper, Walter White, Bill Masters, Frank Underwood, etc. Pizzolatto can write whatever he wants but that doesn't change the fact that what he wants to write has been rammed down our throats by every popular cable TV show. I

I love Amy Adams. My favorite performance of hers is a tie between Her and The Fighter. She was excellent in this. It's weird to think of her as a struggling actress who got cast in this indie, low budget movie and her career just took off.