
I cried during this movie especially when he talks about missing his sister's (played by Lizzy Caplan in a quick cameo) wedding. and then seeing everyone he knows on the couch. 127 is definitely in my top 5 from 2010. it was just so beautifully made.

well I haven't seen Buried but I can't imagine it having the visual panache that 127 does. Buried actually looks pretty average

so…this article's not about Sansa…?

good movie much better than yesterday's choice. it's pretty sweet and has great perfs from the four ladies. reynolds is all right but I would have preferred someone a little less "look how great my body is"

come on now the best rom-com of this era of MM's career is obviously How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. this movie is watchable but 10 Days is pretty fantastic

I refuse to watch these shows out of support for the dear departed Bunheads. I mean really mystery girls over that show?!

this was one of the funniest eps ever. but i had a small issue with Lizzy Caplan's bit about funny guys (she's not the issue she was hilarious as usual). while I'm glad CBB is noticing the issue and poking fun at the ridiculousness of the sexism in comedy, it hasn't done much itself to mitigate the problem. how many

john c. reilly is a super hottie. not being ironic. also. i am sick to death of the whole "how the hell did Character Played by Hot Actress marry Character Played by "Ugly" Actor?!" nonsense. it's a lame argument and it's both misogynistic and misandrist.

yeah I agree with you. MMD dying was just too cruel.

remember Flirting with Disaster? that was even more horrifying.

and I feel like some people are just so annoyingly smug about how much "they hate weddings" and they don't understand "why people spend SO MUCH on one fucking day" blah blah blah. I find that attitude more harmful than women deciding to buy a white dress for a wedding. i'm not the biggest fan of the wedding industry

prayboys!! "do you…jack off to that?" and then Scott keeps one for himself while cleaning up hahahaha such a funny episode

I agree with RussellH88. David did have an affair with a married woman so already we have proof that he isn't Saint David of Hamptons

I agree. also McCarthy wrote Tammy so I think she's doing exactly what she wants to!

you're absolutely right. but I just don't think Cersei is that smart and aware.

I agree with you in general but I can also see Cersei forcing a testimony against Sansa as well. Cersei hates Sansa as well and I am sure she is convinced Sansa had a part in the murder (which she did albeit unwittingly)

Shae has been a problematic character for a while now. I think the writers really messed her up. I never understood why she was so jealous of Sansa and Tyrion's "marriage." I get that Sansa is supposed to be the prettiest girl and key to the North but I can't imagine why Shae would think that Tyrion would even want

Blue Jasmine…?

I laughed at that line because a) obvi's Cersei's pissed and b) it seems like it belongs on the Craster family crest