
What’s to test? I mean, really. They’re going to play, they’re going to rake in millions, we’re going to continue to pay, and gripe just like Hulu Plus users do. How can Netflix Lose???

Now playing

Can be made out of wood with a drill press and a chisel to clean up the edges

Well, I work in a cabinet/millwork shop, so it would be a wood cutting CNC with an engraving tool, but even so ...

I’d love to see Criss Angel try to levitate over that one,

I came here just to verify this scene in particular was posted, bravo!

Or to put it yet another way, that would be the equivalent of a Toyota Tundra pulling 38 space shuttles :)

Go Cubbies !!!

What about Comic Sans, size 16, double spaced, on 22x34 print paper?

Dang, And I thought I was going good at 38 years, 8 months, and 18 days. On the plus side I’ve almost got one side

Make sure you spray both sides :)

Is it just me, or did most everyone forget about this event? Not making it continuous seems like it’s not a real record, although impressive.

Reading all the comments below and looking ahead, I wonder if the Lost In Space movie had it close. U.S. Army and Silicon Graphics Incorporated. Might a private corporation buy NASA from the government if the government needs the cash and they’ve got the money?

Those are pretty cool, I wonder if I could get a CAD drawing of those... Could make my own on our CNC at work.

That hand drawn sketch has some pretty straight lines...

Finally, we can get rid of all that nasty CO2 that’s hanging around our coins!

You don’t need a new calendar every year, the years are cyclical. Every 28 years it starts over again. Sooner for non-leap years. I don’t know about you tho, but I want a new calendar every year, just to see what Dilbert is up to next.