
Who really cares if they were encrypted or not anyway? Everyone is about transparency nowadays. If they were intercepted, then yay! Someone else saw her FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: Prince Emmanuel from Nigeria Needs Your Help

Reading this it's all that I could do to not yell out "Let's do this! Leeeeeroyyy Jeennnnkiiinnssss!!"

Can we put about 1000 of these along the equator to speed up Earth's rotation?

In the trailer for Avengers 2 it looks like his entire body would fit inside the torso, looking at the scale vs a truck he stands next to. But I hear ya other times. Like the Iron Monger armor, or even Whiplash's armor If their legs stopped at the knees, they'd be bending backwards half the time. The arms I could

I'll just leave this right here

@secrets_exe I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll

I was disconnected from the world that day. Working out at a farmhouse bricking it up. We didn't have a working radio in the truck and our site radio was at the bosses house. So I found out about 9/11/01 at 5:35 pm when I got into my car after work.

Watch them potholes :)

Can't we just start the adjustment process here on earth by adding a minute a day for the last couple weeks, once they launch they'll be on whatever time we tell them to be anyway. And they'll have a 6 month journey to acclimate to said schedule. But hey, it could be worse, we could have these guys in charge:

I love 2048, but one thing about that game that I find troubling. I got my second highest score while following a pattern, Right, Up, Left, Down. Maddening I tell ya.

Not on your life my Hindu friend

Great, now we've started putting the GIF below the video


Who the heck would eat 30 bananas per year? That's insane!