
Where's all the cranes and such for the next phase of supertalls?

Whew! Thank heavens we got that all cleared up :)

Are you a big Iron Maiden Fan?

Could be worse:

We used to use all of these in our arsenal

I get that aspect of it. I was referring to the concept of needing to protect your phone cuz it might end up in the wrong hands. My phone is either in my pocket, on my desk at work, or charging at home.

lol, You take a pic of your dick when it looks good, so who cares who sees it?

Is this really a huge deal? Speaking from my little hole in the wall, NW Iowa, I don't see much on phones that needs to be treated like nuclear launch codes.

Why don't they copy the ones from Captain America 2 with the repulsor engines? Prolly a lot more reliable than the propeller ones

Got a tandem option? Or a trailer to haul the young ones around in?

Better Miyagi Do Karate than Cobra Kai's "No Mercy!" and questionable ethics...


Boy, you mix this robot with DARPA's PETMAN, and some positioning software, and you've got the Robot League

Moon Patrol