
It should if the award is for being important to video games. Sexual harasser or not, he still deserves this game related award.

A man in his 50's or 60's should, at that point in his life, have developed the life skill to smile and say “Thanks, but I’m fine.”

If you don’t want me to order water don’t be a Pepsi only restaurant!

There are so many legitimate reasons why most of the artwork in museums is from Europe and show Europeans that your assertion is really a straw-man and a dog-whistle.

1. American business are taxed higher than anywhere else in the world. That is why so many jobs leave the country.

You know you can move right? Choices. One of the great things about America.

You must be rich. An extra $1000 to me would certainly be a noticeable amount.

And the $10,000 limit is the combination of state income tax withholding and property tax. I guess everyone who bought a house within the last 10 years will hit that limit.


“Gender is not a binary”

I’ll use whatever the hell I want to use, what a ridiculous society to try to tip toe around hurting feelings. People need to grow up.

Here are some other gender-neutral pronouns that people might request you use:


No. Just, no.

I’m Nicole, and my pronouns are she/her.

I like and use “they.” It makes perfect sense.

Ok. And then if I looked more closely at it, and discovered that 88 of those doctors agreed together because if they didn’t, they would be fired and their license revoked, how would I feel then? Global Warming is a great big political machine for the elite to grab even more power over people’s lives and get them

That’s not actually the way the 97% figure is derived. 12k scientific papers on GW were examined for a position on GW. The researchers rated 4000 of them as having taken any position on AGW. They rated 97.1% of those 4000 as believing humans as having caused GW. When they asked the authors of the 12k papers, 1400

Oh well, just wait until 2020 then, when the projected solar minimum cycle is due to start. According to some russian scientists, we’re looking at another “little ice age” similar to one that froze the Thames river in the 1870s, and it will last from 2020-2030, they say. So, I’m looking forward to all the global