
Big tent my tits. The left hate white people, specifically straight white cis men.

I love black licorice too. But I don’t really consider red and black to be in competition. Black is for nibs or jelly beans. Red is for whips or twizzlers.

HOT TAKE INCOMING. I am one of the 4 people on Earth who prefers black licorice (is that spelling right? That doesn’t look right) to red so I can recuse myself from the Twizzlers vs. Red Vines argument. A friend of mine went to Sweden last year and brought back salted black licorice (...still doesn’t look right)

This is why none of us get in to the Good Place anymore.

damn losing points again

> men who reply to women’s tweets like it’s their job, adding their own little take, no matter the subject

Wait, isn’t this what Twitter is *for*? Or is the important distinction that they only do this to women’s tweets? (Do we know this?) 

Sell a co-branding sponsorship to Disney, name it something something Community of Tomorrow, make even more money.

Yeah, Gawker writers get paid by the word, and nobody in charge particularly cares, except out of some attempt at ethics, whether or not the words are accurate.

He’s got my vote and I don’t even know his positions on the issues...purely being himself and not tied to a political party. 

You think I care that the rest of you are wrong?

Hey Ethan, if you want to write about something cool in the game, maybe don’t bookend your article with declarations of how bad the game is and instead, I don’t know, just talk about the cool thing. Shitting on the game diminishes a pretty cool accomplishment by this player. And no, couching your criticisms in

This is lost on the Splinter progressives; who simply are so angry that they don’t care who gets hurt as long as they get a fight. ANY fight. No matter how stupid or self-defeating it would be.

Who am I kidding, Democrats are spineless support bipartisanship are basically Republicans in that they’re bought and sold by the same people and move in the same circles and take the same jobs when they leave office, the only difference is that the Democrats occasionally pretend to give a shit about not liquefying

Yea um - nope.

That’s going to be the biggest challenge of this whole election season: people have their expectations set high across the board for this mythical Blue Wave. I think there’s going to be some pretty heavy disappointments, especially as both sides are coming out in force to try to get theirs in the polls. The Red is

And some kids aren’t easy no matter what you do. I’m glad you’re on your high horse and were lucky enough to have good kids but not all are like yours.

Woah there, correlation !== causation. Might just be that the children who were more aggressive at 5 needed more spanking at 3 due to a predisposition towards undesirable behavior that was innate to the child. There’s a big difference between spanking causing aggression and a child that is spanked also being more

R* dev here. You literally just said you’ve been working NON STOP... Do you not see the irony between your statement and the articles you published about Dan saying the exact same thing? Honestly man the only thing all of this nonsense is doing is taking away from what’s really important, this game. Been working on it

I work with the indigent/homeless population. As unfortunate as their circumstance is, they ALL have a valid ID. Any other narrative is just wrong.

reading is hard

“ heterosexual couples only qualified if they were married``

at least 10 of which would have to marry by the end of the year for their partners’ visas to remain valid``