
Reagan - Dubya - Trump - [x]

You've got a serious case of ADHD if you found this show slow, AV Club reviewer.

I prefer bingeing too but delayed gratification is also a problem.

I stopped reading comments on Youtube long ago because the demented levels of vitriol, race hatred and all-around stupidity lowered my already wavering faith in the future of the human species. And all I really watch on Youtube is soccer videos.

Also in uplifting musical odes to terrible regimes: Soviet national anthem.

Season 5 has started. If you want to get caught up you'd better binge like it's your job.

At some point around season four or five TWD had a period of sustained quality that suggested it might actually have graduated from a mediocre to a very good (but not great) show. This was an illusion. I was already having a really bad time last season, but when they pulled their Negan cliffhanger bulllshit, I vowed

Done. Just came here for the vitriol.

Yes. Marina's really carrying the team.

Scariest film I've ever seen, by a margin. Looked over my shoulder the whole way home, avoided the route that led through bushland, slept with the light on. I still get the shivers even thinking about that ending.

Or clearly remembers that he didn't but now he's a seasoned criminal anyway. I feel with the procedural realism in this series we could be heading in that direction.

With all the focus on that cat throughout the series, the payoff had better be huge. Chekhov's cat had better sit up in the witness stand and purr the name of the real killer in morse code. If its character arc ends with John Stone's asthma I'll be disappointed.

Pretty sure a middle ground exists between There's a Wocket in my Pocket and the Holocaust.

Life and Fate was next on my list but then I realised, having just finished The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and Bloodlands in succession, that it was probably best to take a break from reading about Hitler and Stalin. Historical awareness is good, and those regimes will never be a dull subject, but six solid

I'm guessing heading out to sea is the last good idea anyone on this show will have all season.

So this show is taking a leaf out of TWD's book and making motiveless dumbassery the main plot driver? Great.

Yes. For reasons that are difficult to articulate, a dark comic strain is what separates the great shows from the merely good. Maybe it’s simply because great shows are defined in part by the complexity of human experience they depict, and there’s more potential material. Imagine the hacks who run TWD trying to pull

This episode, the last I will ever watch so help me God, illustrates my theory that the vague geography on this show aids and abets the sloppy writing. We have no idea where any of the human enclaves in the region are relative to each other, so all manner of implausible coincidences are possible. The Saviours can

You might have actually hit on something there.

The interior decorator? But the inside of his house looked terrible!