
I'm talking about people who need to go out of their way to state a hypothetical in which they enact violence on a woman, apparently out of pride.

Have you ever read "Throwing Like A Girl" by Iris Marion Young? The idea is that women are taught to have a much more narrow space for bodily comportment, e.g. a girl will hold her books to her chest walking to school, but a man will swing them at his side. Men are culturally taught to take up much more space, to

I can't really get mad if a guy hits a woman back with equal force. You have the right to stop someone from attacking you. What grosses me out is that those guys seem to think that ANY level of force is acceptable so long as the woman hit first. Self-defense means just using enough force to get the person to stop, and

So this is your limp justification for men harassing female servers?

It makes me angry that women have to be the right kind of victim to complain.

Yeah, that part rubbed me just a tad the wrong way. You don't — and shouldn't — get particular protection from sexual harassment because you're wearing the "right" outfit.

Are you sure that's the problem? Just let me know when you find all those "slutty boy clothes" that are so problematic among our youth. To my knowledge, the sluttiest thing that young men wear these days is tank tops and other "arm-baring" shirts. Outside of gay fashion, there's just nothing there.

Absolutely beautiful response... you framed it much better than Ive been able to. Seriously. Thanks!

I get that it bothers you because condoning violence between anybody is not a good thing! I think the best way to counter that is to try to challenge the idea that women are weak and/or irrational (prone to meaningless small bouts of violence), challenge the idea that men can't be victims of dv - WITHOUT dismissing

I get what you are saying on many levels. Especially since I DO get a little mad sometimes when it seems like society DOES seem to say its ok for women to hit men. That bothers me a great deal. But I dont talk about it much because, like you say, it IS often used to divert and derail the conversation.

And rape victims can also recover and forgive.

Oh yeah, and add to that: the right to decide what they find attractive in a "man" because they go on and define a "real" man as well. I cannot tell you how much I hate the "real" memes. Real girls do this, this and this. Real women have this, this and this. On and on. It's all bullshit and it's all enough to make me

In the case of these hacked photos, they were not on the phone. At least one of the sets was lifted from an erased computer drive and uploaded by the person who stole them.

You realize your doctor's records are now connected to the internet and accessible via "the cloud." Are you cool with them being hacked and shared

"Who want to be what god designed them to be."

This is what I find funniest. If you really wanted to be the way god wanted you wouldn't bleach your hair or pluck your eyebrows or shave or you legs or do any of the shit that you consider "feminine". I can't even articulate how much I hate these women without starting

The scariest thing for me is that it is a joke, but only sort of a joke. There are really people who believe that that was our actual human past, and their opinion of, say, stopping sexual violence is tempered by this idea that it's in men's genes, it can never be stopped.

Not to mention that there is really no evidence that the way people found mates in the Stone Age was through men incapacitating and forcibly raping women who then became their wives. I mean seriously, we lived in groups, we probably had a lot of sex with a lot of our fellow tribespeople as a social bonding thing

"They want to make their own decisions."

I love that they complain about feminism "sexualizing" women, but the first fucking thing out of her mouth is that "we've got a whole lot of hot here today." ....Ummmm, okay, do you hear yourself? Do you see yourself? No? Okay, then.

HOLY SHIT DUDE I was literally about to post this exact comment. WHAT DOES IT MEAN INDEED?!?!

A quote from The Mirren might help them? Or maybe not.