
Anyone else think the name "Epic Mickey" is a tongue in cheek reference to Michael Moorcock's well known essay Epic Pooh.

No! Brian! You MORON!

No ATI support? Balls.

"Apple has a unique talent for making us want something we never knew we wanted. [Blah blah, retina display]"

@Stem_Sell: A Thneed is a thing that everyone needs!

I should note that the "effective resolutions" I'm referring to are the 1120x480 and 512x384 quoted on the source page, which are not reprinted here. They are the (incorrect) numbers on which the speculation at the bottom of the article is based on.

The "effective resolutions" for the DS and 3DS are twice what they should be. The 3DS is 1120x240, as the three "screens" (left eye, right eye, and touchscreen) are 240 pixels tall, and have a combined width of 400 + 400 + 320; and the DS is 512x192. Thus the 3DS only needs to fill pixels two thirds as fast as the Wii

"While critically applauded, Life on Mars had only two seasons in the U.K."

And not one line on that wall matters, since Roundabout by Yes has been confirmed for RB3.

@Alex Winton: Actually, it may be a bit more complex than that. As I understand parallax barrier stereoscopy, there's no practical way to "turn it off", and from descriptions of how the slider changes the "depth" of the image, it is something that must be implemented in software (easily done by reducing the distance

@WestwoodDenizen: And I would have said the same thing, if I wasn't beaten to it.

@diasdiem: This is exactly what I thought.

@Sébastien Noll: I'm not going to get into arguments about the visual acuity thing (there's some discussion about the iPhone 4's display here if you're interested) but as someone who owns portables* at 102dpi, 125dpi and 252dpi and a 94dpi desktop monitor (which looks just about perfect 2-3 feet away) I was hoping for

Got the beta this morning. It's nice. I don't see any good reason to go back to HTC's Sense keyboard.

@Sébastien Noll: WVGA Android phones*, iPhone 4 (960x640), and Windows Phone 7 (also WVGA) would beg to differ.

More like Child of PixelJunk Eden at the end there.

Unless they've added an option to invert controls for the camera without inverting controls for force grip, I ain't biting.

Chamber of Secrets? I'm no Harry Potter fan, but that scene is from the Philosopher's Stone.

@thedarkerside.to: 140m^3 is a cube roughly 5.2m on a side. 140m x 140m x 140m = 2744000m^3

No price on the strat? I'm gonna guess $249.99