
Fancypants? <3 <3 <3

Seriously, “blah blah blah” is your response to detailed, fact-check-able information that you asked for? What is wrong with you exactly?


Ooh, mature!

Military Industrial Complex be spending money like

Platform launch vulnerability meaning what exactly? its got a 200+ nmi range on vs the S-400s 200nmi range. As for cost...its half the cost of a Tomahawk block 4. While the -158 lacks the range of a Tomahawk B.4, its LO/VLO.

The problem I see with developing a slower, less maneuverable platform that will destroy missiles... is that missiles won’t be thrown at it. What happens when railguns start being deployed as a weapon system? Now the fancy new fighter has no way of evading OR defending against incoming hypersonic rounds. Once it’s

Did RT tell you that?

Meh. Funny enough, a lot of Anita's detractors had a lot of great things to say without getting virulent about it. Anita kind of trollbaits and invites that kind of extreme response. She was caught red handed, trying to invite vile replies when she went to 4chan and made a ton of topics trying to bait for replies.

Depends how the were presented really, I think only the most extreme publishers would present these characters in a positive light.

I know right? The character has nothing to do with the real person. But what if there were manga/anime characters based off/looked like Hitler, Osama, Rios Monnt, Stalin, etc? Would that upset people, or would it just be something to laugh about?

Like I said to others it's not like this guy is a war criminal he wasn't even around for WWII, neither (as far as I'm aware from this article or searches on the net) did he do anything objectionable in his career. It's just by his association with the Japanese military that this guy has been demonised. So yeah it

Kinda my point I mean I don't condone glorifying war criminals but as far as I'm aware this guy has done nothing objectionable himself or neither had anyone under his command whereas the atrocities committed by Hitler and his regime are well known. It just seems to me that peoples extreme reactions are based upon very

Well once again... logic never prevails in these situations... people gotta learn to start letting things go. It's not like you can kill the man all over again or hate someone for looking similar to a person hated by society.. Whatcha gonna do? Tell god what's up? Pfhht.. I want front row for that shit.

youd think the creater of Hetalia: Axis Powers would be getting worse that this one of the characters on that is freaking Nazi germany

Can someone explain to me why Asians are still hating Japan over WWII?

I live in The Netherlands, and i don't know anyone who still holds a huge grudge against the germans for WWII. Let alone that we let it influence our politics.

I don't know shit about Asian politics, but is there a reason that half the continent till

You are kind of right sadly, personally I wouldn't give a crap if Osama Bin Laden, or Hitler just randomly came into a movie or videogame I was playing. But I can see why a lot of people would get mad about that. It can really hit some people hard, If this guy is the equivalent to to hitler like they say, then I would

That's a BINGO!

Wow people really get pumped up over this stuff huh. How does a character in a manga resembling someone from history have any bearing on any of these peoples lives? It's people looking for excuses to express their own prejudices which is pathetic...