
Why is it odd? Do you stay mad to the point where you can’t have fun later if you got upset earlier in the day? 

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Regina Hall made a joke about Will being ok’d to do some “emergency covid testing” (i.e. he is ok to step out on his marriage), not a joke about Jada fucking a bunch of other men.

Oh shit, totally read the prior comment incorrectly. That’s my bad. You’re not saying that at all. 

Eh, Chris Rock wasn’t a random person. Let’s not pretend Will Smith was running around slapping the shit out of folk for no reason.

Squeeze your browser skinnier and skinnier. Eventually all the slides will pop underneath each other so you can just scroll down instead of tapping each slide. 

Telling everyone he went to orgies with Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz? 

Correct...what point are you making here?

He might have been invited because he’s paralyzed. Those parties probably get stale with the same people over and over. 

What if he had walked up and smacked Amy or Wanda or Regina in the face like that?

Yeah that poor level of safeguarding is...alarming. 

Yeah I’ve it if a guy “simped”* for me like Ben is doing here.

Clarence Thomas thinks he’s ‘one of the good ones’.

Yup he meant what he said and understood the question perfectly. Dude comes from the classic conservative perspective of wanting to populate this country with as many white, conservative Christians as possible. Abortion, interracial marriage, gay marriage and birth control for married couples all threaten the

Nah, it’s far more amusing that’s she’s a random standee than properly animated. 

You might just have the wrong proportions to do it. Like your arms might just be too short which is a thing.

there’s one glaring problem: No one should have to tell their employer in any way that they need an abortion! Citi workers wouldn’t need to inform their direct supervisor what they’re doing, but they would need to submit sick days for approval, pay for the travel and abortion up front, then submit for reimbursement,

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The Circle Bomb inspired L to the OG, right?

the escapism it tries to provide appears entirely intended for white consumption

I’m specifically talking about the faked video. Why take video game footage, say it’s the “Ghost of Kyiv” when you know it isn’t? To me that doesn’t raise morale, it just introduces confusion and diminishes the seriousness of the situation. 

Maybe dial it down with the knee jerk crazy atheism there, pal. You’re making us all look bad.