“Right now my kitchen sink contains a soiled cutting board that has been languishing in there for at least 48 hours;”
“Right now my kitchen sink contains a soiled cutting board that has been languishing in there for at least 48 hours;”
The whole reason we are where we are at today is because Harry Reid under Obama decided to change Senate rules to only require a simple majority for Judicial nominees. I agree that the GOP better be careful about precedent, but lets not act like they started it.
I would recommend using PODS or another company if you can swing it. you load it on your timeline, and then they’ll deliver it when you need it again
was trailer park boys inspired by this man?
Also mark each invite on the back in the bottom with a small number and have a corresponding spreadsheet incase people do not write their names!
well most of europe was destroyed in WWII which let them upgrade while they rebuilt
I use to get shitty service, but since i upgraded to 200mbps I’ve gotten excellent service constantly 300+
are these better or worse than the High deductible plans that the ACA put alot of us in? what is the point of having insurance if we cannot afford to use it?
you are going to get him re-elected with comments like that
Jalopnik has already covered this topic https://jalopnik.com/how-to-cook-a-delicious-meal-with-your-car-1775720726
If she were a hero she would have not accepted the offer to shut up before the election. Instead she took the money, now that there is an opportunity to make more money she suddenly cares
My older brother told me when I first started to drive that Stop signs with a white outline are optional after sunset.
why not just hire Jason as a contributing author? it seems like 1/8 of your content is his videos anyways...
Some Fries & Oreo’s are Vegan. It is not hard to gain weight when you only eat fries and oreo’s.
it is also against federal law to be in the united states illegally...
what did i just read?
Agree’d. I’m left handed but had issues coming to the pixel 2 because of the reversal of the buttons
We can discuss it now. What law should be passed that would have prevented it?
Has any one at deadspin actually been covering it? It’s mostly cross posts from Jezebel.