Hi! My Name Is Rossssssss

isnt that why you are supposed to shake them to make sure its all out?

Feel abit like Oppenheimer now?

thank you

I’m gonna need you to provide a link for something like that instead of just citing “reports” withno evidence backing it up

a lot of their pay is in Stock shares, so they only earn the real money if they keep the stock price in a goo dplace

you are wrong

Did Trump sign an Executive order that mandates every comment section on GM works a way to mention him or something?

isn’t this from last year? or even 2015? I swear FTA already posted this...

do you re-gray people for constantly staring a posts you do not like? 

why did Marchman delete all of his tweets?

i’d take that deal

I was hoping the same thing with the gawker bankruptcy but apparently instead of keeping it contained on Gawker it just spread to all other sites.

I am dumb, and have not had my coffee yet... Sorry!

its a hot take that threatening someone with a fire arm should be the last thing you use when in an argument?

I can guarantee it had nothing to do with that

I’ve been reading the drive, but I miss the commenters from Jalopnik.... until this week jalopnik has been sparred from most of the post Gawker Gawker-lite articles / commenters but its almost getting unbearable now.

others are reporting he didn’t even have the decency to be in the room, so its obvious that no one knows what happened except the people that were there. ..

how is it alt right now?

I’d trust the pentagon over Reuter’s anonymous source...
