I Accelerate in my car every day... you don’t see me making a video about it...
I Accelerate in my car every day... you don’t see me making a video about it...
after thinking about i agree with you, this should be discussed. I guess I am bitter about other writers putting their political spin into non-political blogs
I know, but couldn’t the content of this article be included as par of the morning shift? (because we know it will be) Jalopnik has managed to be very neutral in the last election cycle, and I was hoping it would continue to do so. I didn’t vote for trump and I am a major political nerd but sometimes I just want to…
Can we leave the politics to the concourse? or Jezebel? or just the morning shift?...
because people that buy new homes want to be the first tennant, if they wanted to buy a second hand home they would just buy an existing one
Same with Mine
That is Pence, not trump. My point is i Didn’t vote trump but I am feeling compelled to defend trump because everyone painting him and people that voted for him into anti LGBT
The supreme court has decided on gay marriage already there is no way trump can do what you fear
Cool, Please link me to a source where ryan wants to banish LGBTQA from america
source? and wtf I did not vote for trump....
He also said he disagree’s with mike pence... so..?
Pence as the VP really confuses me, Trump was always going to win Indiana, so why not go for a swing state? trump has already adjusted his positions toward the middle since being elected, so I am not sure what everyone is freaking out about.
I actually did not know that about her so that is neat. However I know that Mike pence has supported anti LGBT(QA?) policies but what has trump said about the issue? (seriously asking because I tried to look into it and nothing concrete showed up)
not a fan of Hillary, but they should have had Amy Pohler come back to do this
SNL was better 5 years ago...
we tried doing that, then my parents saw how much money we were saving by ditching cable and decided to do that too...
uhhh.... Guys in black suits, not black guys in suits
while making tomato sauce for Just the two of us, My wife used 15 “tasting spoons.” We do not have a dish washer, want to guess who does the dishes?
what about those fuckers with the LED light bar on the roof?
I might be missing a joke, but it does seem weird that he is “your average consumer” reviewing & having a lot of things that your average consumer would never buy