A fine looking Kia if you ask me.
A fine looking Kia if you ask me.
Stock as in stock block. I don’t think they built a custom engine block for this (but I could be wrong -- I haven’t watched the whole series of build/tune progress).
When most people in the tuning world say “stock engine” they just mean the stock block. I assume that’s what was meant here.
You can mod it to the moon and back as long as it’s a stock block they’ll say they made XXXXhp on the stock engine (vs an aftermarket built block).
Holy shit, an honest-to-god GM fanboy. In 2019, even. You do you, my man.
Because the two cars look nothing alike. What the fuck is wrong with your eyes dude.
K & N sticker and you’re there.
*posts shitty, stupid comment*
Go fuck yourself, bootlicker.
Can I tell this story that I have been keeping to myself for weeks? It reads like parody or satire but I swear on the grave of Jim Spanfeller’s moral compass that it’s true:
Counterpoint: Live next to some douche that rides a Harley, or drives a Civic with a fart can, or has some unnecessarily douchey noise machine that serves no purpose other than to be a mega-douche. I’m all for fun and stuff, but don’t externalize your petty needs onto everyone else.
I keep telling her to chill with that “destruction” stuff
A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.
IDK if his was a fluke or not but my friend’s Audi A4 2.0T has been “stage 2" modified and tuned (which honestly, wakes that engine up sooooo much) and flogged it to death for almost 100k and hasn’t missed a beat. No real service issues to speak of. I’m surprised because I warned him not to get it but it proved me…
Imagine a thousand of these raining down on your city. Honestly, pretty terrifying. I’d take the nuke.
I inherited from my MIL a 2017 Subaru Legacy Premium as a “hand-me-down” car to give to my young son, and drove it 1000 miles back home. When the trip began, I was cursing the lack of power, the annoying and intrusive safety features, and the wallowing feel in corners. I was certain when I got home it would be given…