
My dad got a Buick Rendezvous the year it came out. He was so proud of it. He was the very first purchaser of the Rendezvous in our area and the dealer believed he was likely the first buyer in the state. It was basically one of the first cars he had been able to purchase brand new since he had been married and had

Maybe they meant it in an emotional sense.

$35 for 256gb at Newegg

$35 for 256gb at Newegg

Yee -- and I cannot stress this enough -- haw!

I’m a big fan of Hip Haw.

Or...perhaps a bypass? 

Um, no.

So would it not work with sunglasses?

This is just me and is only semi-related, but I think I’d have a hard time with adapting to a semi-autonomous driving system that requires continuous attention.

Shake Shack? Starbucks? Underwater bicycle yoga? 

Y’all, he’s not lying it’s real:

He said Trump Tower has 68 stories. It has 58.

OMG I missed the “manual” part and thought they had canceled the 6 altogether.

Need more shots of the interior.

But it’ll be a status symbol so they won’t have issues with sign ups.

What if they offered it with their 420HP 5.0L V8 from the Kia K9?

What’s really missing is green with tan interior, would be great.

That Downshift Blue is amazing but then again I’m a sucker for dark blue cars.

I didn’t know I needed this creepy ass remix but I actually fuck with it lol. I just need it to be a full song. 

I remember when they rolled out some new chicken sandwich at BK and everyone praised it for being so great. I got a coupon in the mail to try it and it was honest-to-God the worst chicken sandwich I’ve ever had.