
“the legacy of smart long-form sports story-telling a” - Ohh the oxymoron

Wipe your computer now! I’m sure this site qualifies as child porn!

Um, Gizmodo did it better

Absolutely. Its a slap in the face everytime you hear some politician talking about how we must defend Freedom and Democracy from the Iranian threat.

Your wife should do well if she recognizes the other common theme in these shots. Chicks with nice butts and heels. If she can blend that in with her style she should have a winner!

Slight correction there, You don’t have to be black to be a slave

Firearms. That way you can stop and hunt for road trip snacks.

Actually cops do care about online threats, but only when they are made against cops...

Try mascarpone! Its delicious!

I just don't want to have to carry "wood" to the "woods"

Right or wrong, I certainly find this police killing a lot more justified than several others that have been in the media spotlight lately.

Living in Washington State I find this very sad. I feel helpless about this because I cant cast a vote that would count in some &**$ hole state where I would hate to live

Yeah I think that attending a concert after the fact constitutes yes means yes

Wow, I just read ( and responded to ) Gawker @ Gawker ...


Poor Bruce, probably never knew the baggage that was on the way...