
I think he’s saying that marginalized actors who don’t have the same opportunities as people who are not underrepresented in acting, shouldn’t get what few chances they have taken away from them. It’s about making room for new voices, not crowding them out with the same few voices over and over again. If someone wants

Conservatives are still scared of “the gays”, but, yeah, HIV isn’t as scary now that drugs have been developed to make it almost a chronic illness you can just live the rest of your life with.  Hell, it’s been 30 years since Magic announced he had it.  I teach college students, and they don’t really think much about

And good on him for not going all James Patterson and claiming that the fact that he couldn’t (and shouldn’t) play that part today is a kind of racism.

Given Disney’s involvement, I can only see this as somehow turning into them trying to find a way to use this idea to connect Star Wars to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (or whatever the fuck that piece of garbage was called) and create one unified Lucasfilms universe.

Franklin W. Dixon and Carolyn Keene sure as hell didn’t write all those Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew books alone.  Even as a kid I knew that.  Hadn’t realized about Anne McCaffrey, but it makes sense.

I think I knew the movie more for the video game at the local roller rink than for the movie itself, which I remember looking cool, but being more confusing than Last Starfighter, which I saw at about the same time and was infinitely more awesome to my 6 or 8 year old or whatever self.

Apparently, that was a later edit that was made after the article was posted but was not marked as such.

Did you read the sentence from the article that Caffeine Spider quoted saying that Page’s character in the movie was more androgynous than most movie characters at the time? That is the particular sentence that Caffeine Spider finds “mis-represents” what actually happened in the movie. Not the bit about the premiere. 

I don’t know. I think Chris O’Dowd would be the most fun to hang with.

That reasoning is happier than just sort of shrugging sadly and saying, “that’s what Hollywood does to every woman over a certain age other than Glenn Close or Meryl Streep”, which was my response to seeing the post.

My wife only watched that once, a lot time ago (she hates beat poetry with a fiery passion).  I had her watch the clip that introduces the whole premise of this show about halfway through the episodes just so she knew where it was coming from.  That was a bit of a mistake as that clip was funnier than this show, and

If you actually watch the show, there are a number of comments (usually by non-Meyers characters) about how it’s all run by rich old and white, rich older and white, and rich, oldest and white, and there is a point where a the rich, oldest, and white Meyers character says that it’s time for them to move on and the

They spell things differently up in Canada, donchaknow.

Now playing

I’d call it a solid C. Some genuinely amusing bits (especially when he makes fun of his own career), but some of it (Bigfoot pooping) was just awful and a lot was ok to have on in the background

After watching the first 3 or so, I went on Youtube to show my wife the scene from “So I Married an Axe Murderer” where the

That growth projection is insane.  No way they keep growing forever.  Saturation is a real problem if your business model is based on infinite growth.

Isn’t that 200,000 subscriber loss less than the number of users in Russia (where Netflix stopped streaming due to the invasion of Ukraine - and also the fact that credit card companies aren’t working there making accepting payments from their difficult)? So the current loss of users isn’t explained by the current

They’re so civil and polite.  It’s almost as if they’re...Canadian.

How many years has Keanu been Neo now?

I kept sticking it out figuring that they had to end it when Adam graduated.  I swear he’s been a senior for like 3 seasons now while they tried to figure out what was going to happen next.  Maybe this summer I’ll stop being so damn lazy and delete my series recording for this from my DVR so it’ll stop getting

I still want to know how the 3 seashells work.