
But what does having a Varia do to help you in this situation? It would have told the riders that someone was coming up behind them. But would it have told them that the person coming up behind them was going to not get over to pass them but would instead keep coming up behind them and run them over? I 100% ride with

Complete and utter nonsense.  Any time you get into an accident or have any sort of collision, a police officer can charge you with “violation of the basic speed law” which means driving faster than you could control your vehicle.  Generally used to cite you for something when they weren’t there to actually track your

How is negligence leading to death not criminal?

After getting hit this spring, I’m almost exclusively riding on Zwift (an online platform you ride while on a trainer) and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

I was a cyclist stopped at a stoplight in the left turn lane. A motorist was stopped behind me. She got distracted and thought the light had changed when it hadn’t and ran into the back of my bike and I went for a short ride on her hood (wrecking my bike and injuring my back). When I finally got the cop to come out,

I love how the spacing of the title this article on the front page makes it look like is says, ”Kal Penn comes out, announces engagement to longtime partner, Sam Barsanti”

My kids want a second season of that so bad.  Of course, they’re under 10.

Clearly.  Pigs and bleach are the only solution.  Maybe a little lye if you’ve got some but pigs do such a great job that you don’t have to worry about all the questions about why you need a barrel full of lye.

Take a star for being the first internet commentator to actually admit when you made a mistake.

Still would have been better had he flown up Thanos’s ass while super small and then made himself super giant.

I just remember the fight with the rapidly expanding Thomas the Tank Engine in the first movie.  That movie gets high marks for me just because of the fun of that.

It’s almost like Rise of the Skywalker.  Too many stories for one movie but got backed into a corner by too many cooks and not careful foreplanning.

Yeah, the fact that this is Hulu-only really bums me out.  I really enjoyed it on TV, but not enough to buy a hulu subscription.  Felt the same way about A.P. Bio and Peacock.

I still (sort of grudgingly) have high hopes for Cowboy Bebop.  In case it’s good, don’t you go trying to steal Spike from it.  On the other hand, it’s Netflix adapting a beloved anime and the costumes looked odd, so maybe I’m too optimistic.

Did you ever see Green Wing?  Her frazzled mom from that would have been the perfect cover for George Smiley.

Sean Connery was born middle-aged and 40's is definitely middle aged.

I guess I must have forgotten about that because I don’t remember hearing that before, but I’ve never read any of her non-harry potter stuff.

That was kind of what was disappointing to me about Burton’s performance. Aaron Rodgers (who seemed kind of dry and robotic to me), talked about how he’d watched a lot of film and practiced on his own. I wish LeVar Burton had done a bit more of that.  Sure, it’s different without the lights, but it seems like it would

I only saw one of the Burton episodes and it was...not great.  Sure it was his first one, but timing was off, he was getting the answers wrong, not ideal.  If it was just a lack of practice thing, I’d love to see him get another chance and I really wanted him to get it when he first threw his hat in the ring, but now

I didn’t think it was great by any means, and I felt the allegory was even more heavy-handed than Avatar’s (and that’s saying something), but it was fine (a nice way to kill an afternoon while I was procrastinating something I didn’t want to do), and competently acted and directed (unlike those Spy Kids movies my kids