next, she’ll have to shoulder a musket.
next, she’ll have to shoulder a musket.
It’s not like she handled a real rifle. Screw her career. Why do you people care what “celebrities” think or do? If she really wanted to do something, her protest would include black on black and gang violence. Rifles aren’t the problem.
Waaaahhh, snowflakes. What did the NRA ever do to you, except in your imagination. And don’t blame parkland on the NRA because you don’t like Trump.
Listen to yourself. “And manufacturers in the gun business usually find a way around legislation anyway. They’re always looking for ways to make new guns and mods that circumvent current laws and regulations with just a few minor tweaks.” You fault gun manufacturers for complying with California’s (and other state’s)…
I have talked to my manager in California once, for two minutes, since November. granted, he took leave the month of December, but you would think he would check in with me when he got back, right? I guess I am doing OK? haha. In the five years he’s been my manager, he’s never said, “take the afternoon off.” I think…
You “love” both paintings? Because? I’ve seen better, more thought-provoking artwork in the local elementary school. Seriously. Both portraits are terrible. Michelle looks disgusted, and she had even seen it before. How embarrassing for both Michelle and the artist. Barry’s portraitist is nothing more than a…
I read that it takes four to six weeks to get a passport. BS. I filled out the paperwork and went to the Post Office with an appointment on January 4th. With the proper identification and paperwork filled out properly, I was in and out of my appointment in five minutes, ten if you count the time I arrived early and…
A billion years of evolution and we need a Lifehacker post on handies. No wonder we have to tell kids these days not to eat Tide Pods or point guns at others as a joke.
So tired of that fat girl’s drama.
Here...Let me ruin it for you. A bunch of genetic lottery winners will run around on the field sweating and grunting for like $10M each and JT will sing in the middle of the game. Now, go rake the fall eaves, clean the gutters, or get your tax stuff ready instead.
“.. a left-leaning political talk show...” How much more to the left do they need to be before you just call the show what it really is? “...a right-hating, anti-Republican, detest-Trump, talk show....” There. I FIFY.
“A typical medication abortion...” should be “A typical fetus murder...” Fixed it for you.
There’s a giant difference between “caring for your fellow man” and cradle to grave welfare support for those who have no intention of having a real job. I have long-term tenants that have never had a job, and now I am watching their children have their own children and not have jobs. I couldn’t afford that. I have to…
That camera thing is really fun...For like four pics and 39 seconds.
Like Meryl Streep applauding for Roman Polanski. Hollywood is full on hypocritical. They’ll pat themselves on the back all day long. You think they care one whit about a mom from Wichita, KS?
Exactly. Eat the food, and vote with your dollars. If the food is good, go back. If not, don’t. As long as there isn’t something obviously wrong, such as raw chicken or burned food, or the service was lousy. Eat as much as you can tolerate, then don’t go back. if you and your friends enjoy the same foods and dining…
Tell us how you really feel.
The same could be said for those these crooked police police. As long as you are painting with such a broad brush, let’s look at the groups that commit the most crimes in this country and paint them with the same broad brush.
Don’t visit without a firearm. Be prepared to protect yourself and your family from the criminal element. Don’t visit any gas stations or convenience stores at night. Lock any doors you can at all times.
Just like most of Hollywood “elite.” Why should we listen to any of them? How are their words any more important than a farmer’s from Nebraska? Who gives a fig what Liam Neeson is saying? Who cares what George Clooney, ScarJo, or Will Smith have to say? I respect actors who do their jobs, do them well, and don’t…